Post Birthday Bells, Bear Crawls, Burpees and Bang Bangs

Not listed "Early".  Let's get this man signed up!


Pledge of Allegiance

Warm O Rama

SSH x20 IC

Cotton Pickers x20 IC

Mountain Climbers x20 IC

Arm Circles, 20 seconds forward, 20 seconds reverse

The Thang:

10 Burpees on your own…and so the chatter begins…

10KB Swings IC

10 Curls IC

10 Mericans IC

20 LBC’s IC

10 Chest Presses IC

10 single arm snatch each arm (Lotta huffin and puffin on these)

10 Squats IC (whatever your preference is…depends on giving or taking)

10 Skull Crushers IC

Mosey Around Lot

Grab bells and line up on side of lot

Lunge walk passing through bell between legs

Sprint back to start

Bear Crawl back to Bells

Lunge walk back to start passing bells between legs.

10 Burpees on your own…and so the chatter begins…

10KB Swings IC

10 Curls IC

20 LBC’s IC

10 Chest Presses IC

10 single arm snatch each arm (Lotta huffin and puffin on these)

10 Squats IC (whatever your preference is…depends on giving or taking)

10 Skull Crushers IC

Mosey Around Lot

At this point, Primo was kind enough to inform me that I neglected America by not including the Mericans.  You are right.

10 Mericans IC

Line up side of lot with bells.

Zampirini lunge walk to the other side.

Sprint back

Bear crawl back to bells.

Around the world back to start.

Fist bump by Outlaw…so in his honor…no more burpees.

10 8 count body builders IC (Sorry not Sorry)

10 8 count burners.


20 WW2 Situps

20 Dying Cockroach IC

20 Low flutter IC

20 LBCs IC


Recover Recover


Having been a regular at the Berean, I don’t often get the chance to be back at MMM.  But I felt, coming off my 2 year anniversary and birthday, what better way to kick start the week with a Berean Bootcamp and a KB beatdown doubledown.

It was great seeing all the familiar faces, although I forgot what many of you looked like…definitely could not forget what you sound like!

Mumblechatter was plenty when you have The Outlaw, Kingfish, Hat Trick, Oyster and company.

T Claps to all the RESPECTS out here today.  Great to see that age is only a number and had no effect on the hard work these fine men put in today.  Great job!

The wind sucked…sucking wind sucked…and those breaking wind…that was just awful!

Outlaw got a few extra shots in on the gut today…I guess I deserved it…but you can’t HATE me!

With the amount of pups running around in the gloom on a daily basis…when is the Fido F3 workout scheduled?

2nd Q Fail in a row.  I called out Pax to bring sneakers to support the men’s homeless shelter.  I almost forgot the Sweet Tooth shovel flag…as I scurried out the door…the sneakers remained in my humble abode…

No one could catch Outlaw on the lunges.  And he gave extra credit! 

Always an honor to lead, especially back where it all started for me.  Appreciated all the birthday wishes.

Live Life…Own Every Second…And Don’t Ever Take Anything For Granted!


One Day Closer