Arnie’s Army covers a lot of ground

26 PAX—many of whom arrived promptly at 5:29—were treated to the final installment of Tagless’ three year anniversary tour. There was an awful lotta running, but YHC’s mumble chatter radar didn’t pick up any complaints. Showtime, Butter and Bruce listed as FNGs not registered yet.


Mosey-Lap 1 (regular), Mosey-Lap 2 (High Knees, Butt-Kickers, Karoki L/R). SSH x 25, IST x 15, Toy Soldier x 15, Mountain Climbers x 15


· Mosey to Callahan’s Bridge. 90 seconds of People’s Chair with air press x 20 IC.

· 10 Up and Overs with Bear Crawl across road after last U&O.

· Partner up SDNM. P1’s in one line. P2’s in the other line. Indian Run to hill at 3rd tee.

· P1 quadraphilia up hill and does 5 burpees with P2 does LBCs. Flip-flop. Down the ladder 4-4 to 1-1.

· Same lines for return Indian Run back to bridge.

· 10 Up and Overs with Crab Walk across road after last U&O.

· Peter Parkers with feet on bridge wall x 10 IC.

· Regular mosey to pull-up bars.

· Mid-month Mini-Murph: 10 pull-ups / 20 Merkins / 30 squats x 3 cycles.

· Run two laps around parking lot.


· Homer to Marge + Low Flutter x 15 IC, Crunchy Frog x 15 IC, J-Lo x 15 IC



· T-claps to Schneider for returning after recovering from surgery. Keep up the hard work!

· T-claps to Turncoat for adding the 1.7ish mile run from his house to the AO.

· T-claps to all those cold-called to call cadence during the Mini-Murph.with a special call-out for Ninja Turtle for his prompt arrival “down payment” per Holiday.

· Thanks to Stromboli of the strong partnership. Hope the 3rd tee is kind to you when you are rolling through on your next round at Birkdale.

· Congratulations to Chris Zajack FNG post #2. Based on his diving/swim prowess, he will be henceforth known as “Bruce” as in the shark character from Finding Nemo. Warmest welcome and look forward to seeing you in the gloom in the future.

· Thanks to Callahan for the honor and privilege of leading this group of men.


Three-Year Anniversary COT

Thank you to Dredd and OBT for recognizing men in need of an organization like F3 and to capitalize on it. Thank you to Moses for bringing F3 to Lake Norman and the OG, including Callahan, for nurturing and sharing it. Thanks to Skipper and Ruffles for EH’ing me to come to the launch of the Mighty Jungle at St. Mark’s three years ago. Thank you to our wives and families who endure all the early alarm clocks and sweaty, muddy laundry as we do this regularly. Thank you Lord for ten years ago delivering my first born– the best Valentine’s gift ever. He and his sisters continue to teach me every day as much or more than I teach them. Thank for the frequent reminder that F3 provides of those who are protecting our freedoms—the untold sacrifices made by those near and far—to ensure we continue to enjoy liberty. Thank you to F3 for increasing my compassion for my fellow man and constant reminders of how blessed we are. Dear Lord, please turn this shared gratitude outwardly into this troubled world so that we are  a beacon of hope for all those in need. Amen.