Toxic is finally the War Baby

11 of LKN's strongest and Gracie (Lab-Doodle) showed for a perfect, beautiful morning at the Mighty Jungle.  




Mosey around the parking lot, while cutting of cars

Karaoke, butt kicker, hi step while Gracie runs circles around us

Circle up behind the Topgun truck with Classic Rock on the BT speaker

All IC:

SSH x15

IST x15 (Imperial this time, not just the regular STs)

Cotton Picker x15

Windmill x15

Toy So'jur x15


The Thang


Mosey around to the far side of the parking lot (1x "lot of running" comment from Hippie)

Partner boot camp merkins and situps AMRAP

Let them know when done that any more than 72 Merkins (max) doesn't count.

On to stiups, max is 100.

Mosey to the steps while Gracie goes to get a leash

Bunny hop up steps x 3 

(not part of Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT), "we're off the grid" now.)

Mosey to Copperhead Hill and meet up with Gracie half way down

Partner 1 (P1) Quadrophilia up the hill, does 5 Carolina Dry Docks the run back down while

P2 does Burpees till back.   Then repeato ("didn't see that coming")

Mosey back up the hill to the wall,

Hop-up on wall, down then bear crawl across to curb

5 Merkins at the curb and run back 

Repeato 5x times total

Toxic gives a 10 count that starts at "9", now a complete riot begins 

protesting the art of the 10 count which should start at 10, not 9…

Mosey over the "other" wall

P1 people's chair

P2 take a lap around hedges

Switch, then repeato

All balls to wall with a Rocket 10 count.  It starts at 10, by the way. 

  Master Q's are smart like that.  

Time for a Block Party with Classic Rock music.

Mosey to bricks, Hippie has a truck bed full to donate to the cause.  T-Claps Hippie!

Circle up, All x10 IC:

Low curl, O’head press, lawn mower each arm, block merkin,

High curl, Skull crusher, block swing (this one on your own), chest press

with a flutter kick as optional,

"Too close for missles, switching to guns" for the

FULL CURL, and one more set of O'Head press.

Put Cindies away for 



Start off with the 

LBC x15 IC

Low flutter x15 IC

WW2 on your own.  Lots of discussion on this and what happend to WW1s?

Then one time around the circle, everyone gets a chance for their "favorite" excercise. 

Don't remember them all, but "Toxic's Count" Merkins were a hit since we started the day

with AMRAP merkins.  Also had 10 burpees on your own from Metalicca countered with an Airborne Mind Bender.  Got to have balance. Also had some J-low, side planks, and of course the onlooker favorites: 

Glute Bridge and Monkey Humpers. 

I won't post Toxic's comment about "Monkey Humpers", you have to post to know!

Rocket took us out with some shoulder touch merkins and then

Recover Recover!


Great mumble chatter and high energy this morning.  Gracie brought some fun and was always willing to participate.  She even helped hold Metallica's feet during the sit-up AMRAP.   Toxic gets the WAR BABY award which is rare in these parts, and he still kicks butt in workouts like someone half his age.  


Thanks to Rocket for allowing me to Q.  Tried to follow his lead and vision with some Classic Rock playing on the bluetooth speaker.  It's his AO, I just live in it!  


An honor and a privildege to lead these fine men this morning.  


God bless, and see you next time in the gloom. 


