Concrete Mile

Event Date

Feb 18, 2017

10 men arose to a gorgeous February morning for the inaugural running of the Concrete Mile! Twice!

YHC showed up at 6:50am to the site of Abrams motoring around the track at 6:07/mile pace…dude, you're supposed to be injured!

For those that couldn't be there this morning, you missed a good one.


  • ISW x 20IC
  • Mtn Climbers x 20IC
  • Windmills x 10IC
  • Arm Circles – While the Q queues up something
  • Green Sally Up! – Always a crowd pleaser during warmups

Mosey down to the cinder blocks and bring them back to the track…


You've heard of the beer mile…you've heard of the donut mile…today we worked on our endurance and soccer arms with the Concrete Mile!

Mile #1

  • slow jog the curves – sprint the straights
    • 25 block curls after each lap (4 laps = 100 curls)

Mile #2

  • slow jog for 200m – Sprint/uptempo run 200m
    • 15 block shoulder presses after each lap (4 laps = 60 presses)

The pax was so sure a 3rd mile was in the works, but we took our blocks and headed back up to the parking lot to watch C# dance.

  • Daft Punk 
    • Block Curl when you hear "One More Time"
    • Shoulder Press when you hear "Celebrate/Celebration"
    • ~35 curls and ~40 Shoulder presses

Mosey to pull up bar for a round of 10 and then put your block back.


  • LBC
  • Jane Fonda Right
  • Fire Hydrant Right
  • Jane Fonda Left
  • Fire Hydrant Left
  • Stranded Turtles

Quote of the Day:

"It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard everyone would do it.  The hard…is what makes you great!"


  • Q gave extra credit if anyone could guess what movie today's quote came from…before YHC could start the quote Ziplock pipes in Brokeback Mtn…Yep…I suppose it fits!
  • Duck hunters were quite till Stranded Turtles
  • YHC still couldn't keep up with Abrams today, but he let me know he was holding alot back because of his injury…he's a beast!
  • Dodging cars on the track – definitely a new one
  • I'm sure there was more, but don't remember it.
  • Good time at Coffeeteria…Got called out for leaving a mess :(…Will make sure we insist on cleaning next time.

I appreciate the opportunity to lead today!