Something new at Titan

Event Date

Feb 20, 2017


Oh, hello there.  Another Bank Holiday on a Monday.  Which often means YHC has the Q at Titan, the AO I have frequented more than any other in my F3 career.

Can we deliver some routine which hasn't been done before at Titan?  We tried.  Here's roughly what went down:

0500:  2 mile Run Standard with Sponge Bob and Tantrum.

0530:  Roughly 1/4 mile mosey including high knees, butt kickers, long striders, Quadraphilia, and Karaoke L/F around the school, stopping at the steps area in the back.

Quick Disclaimer.


  • Happy Jacks (SSH x 5 IC followed by 2 jump squats) x 1
  • Audible to Smurf Jacks x 10 IC because Tantrum mentioned them
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC
  • Sideways plank walk the perimeter of the semi-circle arc
  • From the bottom step: 5 Burpees OYO, box jump the steps, 5 Burpees OYO at the top

Run about a half mile to the pool house.  We did:

  • Burpee choo-choo:  Everyone planks about 5 feet apart.  Last man in line box jumps each PAX, does a Burpee, then repeats until everyone has gone through twice.  This would have been better with more PAX, more on that later.
  • 10 pull-ups OYO followed immediately by
  • 10 knee-ups OYO
  • 25 jump squats
  • 8 pull-ups OYO followed immediately by
  • 8 knee-ups OYO
  • 20 jump squats

Run about a half mile to Mortimer Hill.

  • Double time up the hill
  • Plank while waiting

Run back to the AO.  Grab 2 KBs (25# and 35#) from my car for:

  • 2 PAX did KB swings AMRAP while others sprinted the parking lot and back
  • Flip flop

Not much time for Mary:

  • Mason Twists with 25# KB x 15 IC

Recover, recover.  We covered 3.3 miles according to my Garmin, link below.


  1. We are thankful that Capone's son's heart surgery appears to have gone well.  We continue to pray for them.
  2. Sponge Bob responded to my Tweet, which was sent to all the locals, and showed up and looked strong as always.
  3. Most of the other locals did not show.  Won't mention any names, but Jingle Bells, I'm getting tired of you ducking me man. 
  4. 66 recently had shoulder surgery.  That is surgery…on his shoulder.  And he showed up and worked hard.  Again, not naming names, but Jaws I need you to post to Titan, especially on Bank Holidays.  Nnnkay?  It's not a half day or anything.
  5. Tantrum, thanks for letting me lead and thanks for being a battle bro.  Sorry to only join for a double down on Saturday while you did the triple down, strong.  Hopefully the KBs were a welcome addition to your AO because they might be back.

Have a great week all, Turnpike.