Macho Things

Some days you wake up and just aren't feeling it.  On those days, men roll themselves out of the bed, get dressed, and start their day.  Children make excuses and find a way to justify their weak minded actions.  This morning, 13 men arrived sleepy eyed but ready to work.  Here is thier story:

0430: Some men rucked, some men ran, 6-7 met the standard

0515: 11 men were ready to go, so we trotted over to pick up Hummer out of his car and made our way to the warm up parking lot.

0517 coming out of the darkness after being preoccupied with watching the women walk in to the Y, its Mooch!  Winning Monday with his surprising appearance.

Warm up: SSH, Soybean Farmer, and IST…per the usual

Mosey on over to pick up some toys.  Partner up and 1 partner lunge walks with a sloshpipe or sand bag while the other partner does AMRAP merkins.

Flapjack until you hit 100

Repeato with weighted squats to 100 and bear crawl instead.

Team up and race across the field with tire flips and log flips.

Come back and grap some weight (slosh pipe or sand bags)

Curls x a bunch

Shoulder press x a bunch

then break it out and workout by committee

FLG had some bench pressing

Man Hands did skull crusher

Cupcake did a WWII with weight

Pierogi threw poop at Cupcake.  Not sure if it was Goose poop, dog poop, or some of pierogi's poop.  It may have been a mixture of all three.

Hummer did something yankee like

Mooch did something that he could say but couldn't do

then we put the toys back and moved over to the picknic tables

Derkins and Air presses, a set of 8, then 6, then 4, then 2.

Most of the time was spent waiting for Mooch to find a spot on the table.

Then mosey back for mary.  This is where it got weirder.

Pillow talk with Manhands' knee in my back…at least he said it was his knee.

Then J-Lo x a bunch.

Good times this AM gents, its always a pleasure to lead the Race City Pax.  It should be noted that FLG HCd to the Quarter Ruck this morning, welcome! 

Thanks to Manhands for giving me the opportunity to lead today and to Black Eyed Pea for giving me the opportunity to meet you fine men.  Each time I come to a workout with an FNG present, I think about my first workout and how I didn't even know how much I would benefit from this gift down the road.  It is now our turn to share this gift with the next man.  Seeing some of the prayer requests, Capone's son, DipStick in Grand Strand, Lowe's employees…it makes what we do that much more impactful.  Its not just about the workout or the fellowship, its about being part of and believing in something bigger than yourself.  Don't be afraid to share it with the next man!
