Hitting All the Mustang Hotspots

Event Date

Feb 22, 2017

11 Men hit the Mustang hotspots, don’t think we neglected a muscle group today.

Warm Up 


15 x mountain climbers IC

15 x copper head squats IC 

Parking lot run Counter clockwise Hallelujah style and backwards run on hill climb ~.5 miles back to launch pad

The Thang

Run down to pull-up bar 

Each pax does 10 pull-ups in pairs while remainder of PAX does unlimited LBCs until everyone has completed their 10

20 x IC down unders palms out

20 x IC down unders palms facing

60 seconds down unders palm facing self AMRAP

Mosey to hill 3 minutes of quadraphila – 10 wall kicks and progressive burpees at top each lap

Mosey to wall scaling twice and continue to loading dock

Rotate through – Loading dock burpees x5 – on burpee rise climb fully up loading dock flip flop until everyone completes as you wait peoples chair with arm presses #demopleasebutaintwatching

Bear crawl up hill to bus parking lot

Mosey to wall at flower bed 20 x IC decline merkins

Continue to drop off circle for 15 x IC Dips

OYO 25 steps ups right, 25 Steps ups left

Mosey back for Mary

Speedy Mary

FAST 20 x Freddy Mercury IC

FAST 20 x Low Dolly IC




I had a good conversation during golf on Monday with a likeminded individual discussing latest movements on immigration reform, HB2, politics etc and he’d mentioned his friends that equate those that are in favor with the changes as hatred. Certainly not the case … because it is not biblically based and you do not agree shouldn’t equate as being closed minded but rather God calls us to follow the greatest 2 commandments


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.””
Mark 12:30-31 NIV


As we stand firm in our faith, as we should, also ensure that we are abiding by his word with our actions. 



–          Pax was messing with the counts from the onset trying to throw the Q off, well played but unsuccessful

–          Good to see some familiar faces that haven’t posted in a while but did miss those that didn’t make it

–          Welcomed the crème de la crème of SVU, Mulligan #whycantwejustgetalong #stinkor

–          Damp conditions but avoided the rain.  The PAX got at it today and solid efforts by all