Speed of Sound Achieved @ Titan (well sort of)

Event Date

Feb 27, 2017


As Mr. Burns correctly points out, the speed of sound is 343 meters/sec which in F3 PAX speak is pretty darn fast – However, seven PAX fell just a wee bit short of the speed of sound, only clocking in at around 4.13 meters per second – but we tried hard and that is all that counts.  On a related side note, 4 PAX warmed the engines as part of the standard.

Nerd Alert!! in fluid dynamics, the speed of sound in a fluid medium (gas or liquid) is used as a relative measure for the speed of an object moving through the medium. The ratio of the speed of an object to the speed of sound in the fluid is called the object's Mach number. Objects moving at speeds greater than Mach1 are said to be traveling at supersonic speeds.

For the math nerds of the group: The speed of sound in mathematical notation is conventionally represented by c, from the Latin celeritas meaning "velocity".

In general, the speed of sound c is given by the Newton–Laplace equation:


Now you may be wondering how we built up to our speed of sound attempt – glad you asked.  On paper it was pretty easy, in practice it turned out to be a little harder than expected – here is what we did…


Mosey up and over the access road to the back of the track – scale the fence.  Wait, that is too hard according to El Chapo who has experience breaking into places – why not use the open gate?  which a few of the PAX did, the rest climbed the fence.  Continue mosey to center of track and circle up.

SSH x 10 IC

Arm Circles x XXX Forward

Arm Circles x XXX Backward

Cotton Picker x 10 IC

IST x 10 IC


The PAX donned their flight gear in the darkness and awaited YHC's instructions – instruction #1 All PAX Run a mile (4 laps) at hard but not super hard pace – FLR when complete.

Mericans x 10 IC

Air Squats x 10 IC

PAX Run 800m @ mile Pace, FLR when complete

Mericans x 10 IC

Air Squats x 10 IC

PAX Run 400m @ mile Pace, FLR when compelte

Burpees x 10

Air Squats x 10 IC

PAX Run 400m @ mile Pace, FLR when complete

Mericans x 10 IC

Air Squats x 10 IC

Mosey out back gate of track and stop at bottom of hill.  YHC asked the PAX to pick a number between 1-3, PAX called 2 and YHC raced the PAX up the hill to second light post – Sponge Bob with the late push edged out YHC for the win!

Recover walk mosey to bus lot for Mary


Cirlcle up, first exercise is Touch them Heels.  Then on to big Baby Crunch then Recover, Recover


Of note…El Chapo is fast, Sponge Bob is close second and turnpike was laying back to make the rest of us look really fast.

Thanks for the strong work out of the PAX this morning.  Everyone was really trying and it is appreciated.  YHC was smoked and I thank all for giving the push this morning

Also of note, heart rates were up, mumble chatter was down.  And always look for the easier solution (like going through the open gate) rather than the hard one.

Until we meet again…TBone, out!