It’s Mardi Gras, Show Me Your Dips!

12 hours earlier I was planning to go to Fallout for Major Tom’s VQ, but then Travolta tweeted a need for a Q at Gladiator. I tried to ignore it, but when no one jumped on it, guilt creeped in. Ten minutes later I was wondering what I would do as Q in the morning.

When I arrived at 0520, Country Club was already in the parking lot. It was a chilly 48 degrees and clear, a perfect day to burn a few calories in preparation for Mardi Gras — aka Fat Tuesday. By 0528 there were 15 men all ready to earn their beads. This is how they did it.


F3 men have a tendency to arrange in a circle to start things off so there was some minor confusion as I instructed everyone to get in a line to trace the parking lot lanes — in, over, back, repeat for some 50 yards. From there, we moseyed over to the school for the warm up after the warm up. Travolta has set the bar for SSH at Gladiator at 50 IC so I felt obligated to conform, but no one said you had to do them all at once.

  • SSH, x10 IC
  • Merkins, x10 IC
  • SSH, x10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers, x10 IC
  • SSH, x10 IC
  • Windmills, x10 IC
  • SSH, x10 IC
  • Imperial Storm Troopers, x10 IC
  • SSH, x10 IC


After partnering up, P1 found a space on the wall for People’s Chair (PC) while P2 did 10 burpees paying attention to form. Having your partner watching hopefully kept each man honest. When complete, swap roles with P2 playing judge and P1 repeating the burpee performance.

Then it was on to the cement wall behind the family center for something new (at least for me). Everyone line up shoulder-to-shoulder along wall and get in PC position. Starting at one end, climb up on wall and racoon crawl along wall to other end, with each man following until everyone had a chance to go.

Then it was on to Copperhead Hill to work on quads, shoulders and core. P1 does quadrophelia up the hill, x10 SC CDD at top and run back down while P2 does LBC AMRAP. Switch roles, then repeato with each partner doing x9 CDD, x8CDD, etc. Doing LBCs the whole time at the bottom became tedious so many pax audibled to various other forms of core work which worked out well. During this time, we had a fly by from Fenway and gang running along Stumptown (do those guys still bootcamp now and then?).

From there, we ran back up Stumptown to the fountain. Apparently the leaders are unaware that you can get to the fountain from between church and family center so they ran to the main entrace. YHC didn’t want to hurt their feelings so I followed the long way around.

At the fountain we each found space for some tricep work. I was worried that I wouldn’t get to use my line of “SHOW ME YOUR DIPS!” on this fine Tuesday before the official start of Lent tomorrow. After Dips, x20 IC the guys were (rightfully) expecting me to hand out beads, but all they got was a 1 minute plank back in the parking lot to wrap up their workout.


  • Best news of the day: The Force told us that LNC’s QB, Cade, was released from the hospital following brain surgery to recover at home and although there will still be a lot of recovery time, he will be doing it from the comfort of his home. Praise God.
  • YHC had run off before the workout to scope out the stairs for another new (to me) exercise but we did not have time to include it. Oh well, there’s always the next time.
  • I felt a little bad for Soprano as we did no pull-ups today and only 10 burpees. I’m assuming he’ll just consider this his rest day.
  • Remember to join us Friday evening at Wynfield Forest Clubhouse for Dallas’ roast. If you come, bring money to donate to Dipstick’s family (wife and 2 boys, 6 and 3) following his untimely death. If you don’t come, prepare to have Nitestick show up at your door Saturday to ask why.
  • If you’re reading this, you are on our regional website. Note the link to the calendar above where you can sign up to Q any workout that is OPEN. If the MQ isn’t keeping it updated, you have my permission to harass him. Please and thank-you.
  • Lent begins tomorrow. Make it a good one.