YHC arrived early to see Bigmean and Pierogi prepare for a morning run. Fightclub men arrived shortly after and were ready to train once Motorboat filled in the ranks. Fighting is much more than punchind or striking,, as a matter of training the striking is a much smaller part of the fight than most think. Yes it is required but as a part of the entire technique. Movement, rotation and balance are considered to be the important concepts and striking exists only as a part of these three. So in keeping with this concept we train in techniques that dont make sense at first, but train the mind and body to maintain the core principles and allow us to be able to adapt to the ever changing world of a battle.
This morning we focused on blocking to the outside. This part is the introduction to fading or slipping strikes. Blocking to the outside requires a significant amount of movement and rotation on the torso,, and also a certain amount of confidence ( "balls") since the strike will be passing within an inch or two of the face. This technique allows for moving to the outside for a positon of advantage.
Once this concept was learned and practiced we then expanded on this technique to include certain severe and "fatal" techniques,, Sentry destruction as it was taught to me. These were designed to quickly disable (read eliminate) a person in a deadly physical force situation. These techniques have the added bonus of performing their function while eliminating any sound coming from the subject. ( I can only imagine how these techniques were designed and perfected. ) I wont describe them here,, attempting them without proper instruction is not recommended at all,, and will likely lead to unintended severe negatvie conseqences. But they are fun.
And now to the part of the morning that was enjoyed the most. The inital technique is called the wing take-down. It is a technique that is design to bring a subject to the ground without direct engagement. It disables the ability for any counter move and puts the subject in a severe disadvantage. This is then followed up with one of my favorite systems of fighting called "trap Fighting" . You wont find it listed anywhere as it is not an official system of fighting. The Trap fighting system was designed (so I am told) and added to the Kungfu and Juijitsu by a small group of trained fighters late in the 1930's in Germany. It was then learned by one of my main instructors (John Sterling – now deceased) and taught to me and a few others. It has become a large part of the fighting system and is used in both standing and ground fighting. It is the concepts in this dicipline that makes the destruction of the human body so easy and effective.
The one disadvantage of training to learn this system,,,, it is fairly painful. Yes,,, painful. Fortunately for YHC and unfortunately for the practice subjects,, this training has sharpened the bones. No damage is caused,, it is just a bit uncomfortable,,, but as I like to say,,, We do it "nice-N-easy" to reduce the amount of pain while allowing us to understand the effectiveness of the system. Once these techniques are understaood it is easy to apply the force to bring about compliance very quickly.
YHC truly enjoyed the training this morning. I am thankful for this group of fine men who allow me to share this great passion in my life.