F3 Does Dallas & Gathers Dollars for Dipstick

68 men gathered at the Wilderness AO on a cold and blustery night to honor Dallas, the king of OTB runs, two scoops of ice cream and pork pictures on Facebook. 

Due to this being a public website, we'll bypass descriptions of what was said and instead, focus on the process. 

YHC was the MC and admittedly nervous to be taking the reigns of 2nd F Sweet C.

The Thang

Disclaimer – this was a 2nd F event.  After all of those potty mouth last night we should all double down on the 3rd F this week.  

PIerogi led us off with terrible music and an inovacttion as only he can.  Let's just say that the tone was set  

Jolly Roger grabbed the mic next and steadied his ship half way through.  Who knew that JR would kill it with PowerPoint.

Axel gave us all a good rendition of Dallas' life and pointed out that Dallas had some extra lbs. Often

A brief recess ensued.  Many beers were digested. Many.  A headcount was made and we determined that 68 Pax were in attendance from all the divisions of F3 LKN.  

Jolly and YHC and Calypso passed the hat for Dipstick.  Over $1400 was raised for his family.

Freepass took the mic and updated us on the marketing events.  He also skewered half the Pax.  

Goat followed with a puppet show.  It was a fine show although the Pax clamored for something a little more ribald.

Then the magic happened.  Hall Monitor took the dias and slayed the crowd.  If this was baseball, he knocked it out of the park.  

Afte such a fine performance, Mooch had the honor of pulling it all together and put a bow on the night.   To say he delivered, well, that would be an absolute lie.  His pregame plan fell apart like a Hillary Clinton victory party.  

After ushering Mooch off the stage, Dallas offered a rousing and somewhat rambling rebuttal totaling 18 pages of single spaced observations and words of wisdom from Trina.  

Oh, and if you think my BB is lame and is missing all of the details, you're right.   If you want the fruit, you gotta climb the tree.   Attend next time, because I just can't put most of that stuff on a public website.  

Next  to up for the 2nd F – date night with FIA on Saturday, May 14th at Our Town Cinema in Davidson to watch Gaurdians of the Galaxy 2