3 Exercises and the Truth

Event Date

Mar 04, 2017

8 pax chose to hit the gloom hard with a 3.7 mile run to the rock and back.  

Warm-O-Rama at Bradley Middle School Bus Lot

  • 25 SSH IC
  • 15 CP IC
  • 15 IST IC
  • 10 Merkins IC

The Thang

Run and touch the rock.  You know the deal. 

At the Rock, we did:

  • 15 LF IC
  • 15 W IC
  • 15 LBC IC

Go all the way back for some mary.


  • 20 LF IC
  • 20 W IC
  • 20 LBC IC
  • 15 Merkins
  • plank for 30 seconds

Recover, Recover


  • Thanks Turnpike for the opportunity to lead the pax at Excelsior!  It is a great group and is always inspiring and humbling to have the opportunity to lead.  There wasn't anything creative on the menu.  Just run the same old run to the same old rock and back with some pain along the way.
  • Well, there was a mishap as we approached the warmup pad with Eeyore when he stopped suddenly and bent over in front of the pax to tie his shoe.  Yikes.  That could have been really bad, or maybe it was and nobody is talking about it.
  • We ran to the rock at a 9:30 pace, which is fast for Clydesdales from the clown car. Tantrum outpaced the pax, which is not a surprise. Both he and Turnpike did the River Rat 10k before Excelsior.  Well done you running maniacs.
  • It was Dingo's first trip to the rock at Excelsior.  Hey, now old is new.  Dingo is also a speedster, but we knew that already.  Thanks for coming out!
  • On the way back to the AO, it's humbling to see 2 guys both over 50 outpacing yhc.  Nice job Riverboat and Tiramisu.
  • Magnus and Turnpike were chatty and kept checking in with yhc in the 6.  YHC was "leading" from the rear during the running portion of this running workout.  
  • Eeyore and Tiramisu were sprinting to the finish and were even until Eeyore blew a right rear and hit the wall.  Nice push to the finish guys.
  • The pax caught on to the repetition in excercises, so YHC had to recognize that these where the only 3 excercises yhc knew.  3 chords and the truth are all that's needed to make a great country song.
  • Thanks also to my clown car brothers for your support and friendship.  We were half the pax!