Sandbag Trip to Burpeeland

Event Date

Mar 06, 2017

It was supposed to be a stark 37 degrees at the post yesterday, but with a warm and balmy 46, we stepped out into the chill, shook off the weekend cobwebs, and had a slow mozy to the well lit parking lot of the Lowe's YMCA.  

COP (IC)- SSH 20, IST 15, CP 10, MC 15, Mericans 10, SDS 15, 

The Thang-Mozy to the Y, Iron chair, Peter Parkers 10 IC, repeato x 2.  Notice tire in near proximity.  Partner, flip tire, 5 Mericans, repeat until tire is on far side of field, low, med, high jump squats x 10.  10 dips on tire IC.  Head to goal post 10 single leg squats on each side.  Tire is lonely, and wants to go home.  Partner, flip tire 2x's, 10 LBC's, repeat until tire is home. Head to sandbagland.  Each PAX member takes two (2) sandbags, Move to corner of soccer field. (all IC) Squats 10 , Curls 10, Skull Crushers 10, mil presses 10 (changing sandbags for each exercise).  Repeato w/o the squats at 2nd corner, third corner was Burpeeland (10), then grab both bags and walk down the hill, up the other side 5x's (about a 10 foot valley-think quad burn).  Off to last corner, repeato curls, SC and MP's each to 10 IC.  Back to 'home', repeato curls, skull crushers, and MP reps, then add in single leg squats for good measure, return bags.  Mozy to parking lot.  

Mary- IC – Box Cutters 10, Cutter Boxes 10, Mason Twists 15. Lear led us in a Pledge around the flag. Recover, recover.  


-It was a pleasure to sub for Manhands and my 2nd Q here at #machoman.  It's a GREAT venue with lots of toys and prizes….waiting to be won!  Give your Q'ing skills a shot at this lovely venue!

-The real #machoman moniker goes to Finger Lickin' Good, who did the workout with a ruck T-claps Bro!!

-Last time, it was just Motorboat and I, today we had six, nice!!

-After our trip to Burpeeland, we had to do some extra 'legwork' to unpack and prepare for the next trip.  

-I think Lear enjoyed the story behind the workout, especially the end!

-An awesome coffeeteria (but too short) was attended by Lear, Brushless, Chief and YHC.

-Thanks for the chance to lead @Manhands.