Liberal Rain

Event Date

Mar 10, 2017


A few weeks back Mr. Burns asked me to Q at Emmaus, and since it is a rare occasion I say no to an F3 brother, I agreed. I put it into my Day-Timer so I wouldn't forget to show. Fast forward to yesterday, I Q'd the Cane o' Pain, and having run some earlier in the weekend, was contemplated a fartsack this morning until I received an email from Jedi asking me if I was going to Q Emmaus!! Looking at today's date in my Day-Timer, sure enough, I had the Q. I climbed into bed and immediately began to dream of the beatdown I would bring in the morning. Of course, when the alarm went off at 4:00…my dreams disappeared. The nice thing about heading to an earlier than usual workout, the border guards aren't up yet in TPR so I could think about the workout as opposed to explain why I was slipping out of TPR…again.

The workout went something like this…

No warmup, instead we ran a lap around Birkdale, then circled up at the big fountain for a little Ab-o-Rama:

Low Flutter x 10 IC, LBC's x 10 IC, Heels to Heaven x 10 IC, Low Plank & High Plank 2x holding each one for 15 sec, Side Plank-Punch Your Little Brother (first mistake as I called for the right side but was on my left, call it the TPR influence) x 10 IC, Left Side x 7 IC (Incognated by Jolly, something about weights, feeling the burn, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah, I lost count and ended this early), Freddy Mercury x 10 IC, Rosalita x 10 IC, Hello Dolly x 10 IC

Another lap around Birkdale. As we came back to the fountain, I decided, let's do another lap so off we went At this point it started to rain a little, so the next round of Ab-o-Rama was done in the parking garage. All the same exercises as above except x 12 and I did not succumb to the mumble chatter. One more lap around Brikdale. Recover Recover

COT – We lifted up Mini Me's daughter (hearing problems), Mr. Burns daughter (surgery today on her adenoids & tubes in her ears), peace & strength for Jedi's Mom (gall bladder)

Naked Man Moleskin

  • It's always an honor to lead, and I'm always a little more honored when asked to lead outside of my normal AO. Thank you, Mr. Burns
  • Jedi, thank you for the reminder email late last night.
  • Jolly, always a pleasure to be harassed by you. Enjoy the article in Davidson Voices. That's right, our Nan'tan, who is not exactly fond of Davidson (I paraphrased there, his actual statement was a little stronger this morning, ableit in jest) is quoted about F3 in a local Davidson rag.
  • Red October & Blackberry, a pleasure to workout with you both this morning, Good luck tonight during the #F3QRV
  • Ramrod, great to have you join us, when did you show and how in the world did you keep popping up around every corner?

