QRV LKN Convergence Workout at North Meck Park

Event Date

Mar 11, 2017


22 Men posted at North Meck Park for a convergence workout to welcome the QRV finishers and enjoy a 1-hour beat down followed by coffee (just kidding), breakfast and beer at Primal Brewery.

Before the workout began, Scrappy executed a one-legged shoot on YHC for a quick takedown. That provided the only needed signal that this was going to be a fun morning. The mumblechatter did not disappoint either.

At 0700, the temperature was cold, the PAX were giddy for the after party and YHC had been up for 28 straight hours following the launch and support of QRV through the night. So to overcome all of those distractions, we jumped right into the workout. Gather round the circle located at mid-field soccer pitch.

We did Warm-up. That included some SSH, (It should be noted that in true fashion Kid Rock joined somewhere around this time) Windmills, Mountain Climbers, IST, Cotton-Pickers.

Since Special Sauce was tired of getting warm, we immediately began the Thang.

'Merican Time Bomb around the circle – 10, 8, 6, 4, 2… Boom!

Stay gathered around the circle. Bear crawl to the center and crawl bear back out, followed by 10 Burpees. Repeato with 8 Burpees, then 6, then 4, and finally 2.

Quick mosey around the soccer complex, and back to the circle.

Lunge walk to the center and back out, followed by 20 slow Squats IC. Repeato with 15 Squats, then 10, then 5.

Quick mosey around the soccer complex, and back to the circle.

Low-crawl to the center and back out, followed by 15 Carolina Dry Docks IC. Repeato with 10 CDDs, then 5.

Quick mosey around the soccer complex, and back to the circle.

From the 6 position, LBCs (15 IC), Touch Them Heels (15 IC), Pretzel Crunch each side (10 IC). Repeato with 10, 10, and 7 then 5, 5, and 5 respectively.

Quick mosey around the soccer complex, and back to the circle.

Moses led us in some manly Yoga until ruckers arrived at NMP. Seriously, that Yoga stuff will make a grown man cry!

Once the ruckers arrived, they stormed the circle and fell in (although it took some convincing) to endex the workout with us.

50 overhead Seal Claps IC. Mosey around big track in 6mins or less or else, more exercises would follow. Time hack failed. Recover recover for the PAX. The Ruckers, however, had to complete a 400+ yd sprint in less than 2mins before QRV endex.


Aside from some rather poor squat form amongst the PAX, the effort was awesome Saturday morning.

Due to the PAX converging on the center of the circle many times, there was a good bit of jockey-ing for position, some uncomfortable physical activity and Kingfish explaining that it was just the tip. Ummm, not that kind of group???

Moses brought an FNG (I can’t remember his name). Unlike Moses’ dog, which apparently dislikes our workouts, the FNG seems like a good fit for this group. Look forward to seeing him again.

Toxic and Scrappy take the crown again for most efficient burpees. Not certain if they completed all of the other exercises though… We’ll just assume they did.

Awesome to see Panzer on a Saturday morning again. It has probably been more than a year since I have seen him. Dude still crushes the workouts!

Anyone know if Riverboat Ron has stopped running yet? He must be signed up for a BRR Ultra team. Well done, my man!

Master Po told the story of his name once again. That story never gets old. Bruce would be proud.

T-claps to the QRV finishers. Incredible effort coming together as a team throughout the night and finishing a difficult event. You all should be proud. It was an honor for us to see you all Endex and put a bit of work in beside you all. As I mentioned, F3 is a brotherhood and we continually support one another. Additional T-claps to the 4 Cadre for preparing and executing a great event.

I look forward to the next rendition of the yearly F3LKN Ruck event. I hope those that have done, are currently doing or have yet to do a ruck event will join in next year. It is as much a mental test as it is physical. These events define teamwork, require maximum effort and provide leadership lessons. They truly are a memorable experience.

Thank you to all the Men that posted Saturday morning. I hope you are as sore as I am. I also hope that you enjoyed the fellowship, the convergence with the ruckers and the after party. Thanks Blackberry for taking us out and offering thanks to the Sky-Q!
