25 down, 25 up

Event Date

Mar 15, 2017

The typical Night Ranger crew minus a few were out tonight despite the cooler temps. Here is our story.


We mosied around DPK, and  ran through the standard issue warmup exercises. SSH, WM, CP, and IST. We did 15 of each IC. We may have stopped at 14 for one, whoops.

The Thang

Starting with a short run around the parking garage to the rock pile, we each collected a medium sized rock, and ran up the stairs to the floor above the Camp Gladiator group. This left us with a ramp down, and a ramp up which we should surely use. 

The idea today was to do 4 reps of 25 of each exercise. Each rep was followed by a run down/up a ramp, alternating with a run up/down a ramp. The exercises were to be Skull Crushers, Chest Presses, and  Upright Rows  Curls. We followed these with 4 reps of 25 Rock Assisted LBCs, and then 1 rep of 25 Rock Assisted Mason Twists. (Because 100 Rock Assisted Mason Twists would be cruel and unusual punishment.) Still having some time to fill, we did 5 additional reps of all of the exercises. The group finished by running the rocks back down to the rock pile.


Back to the front for some requested Jack Webbs (thanks Freedom for the assist), W's, Homer to Marge, Box Cutters, and Cutter Boxes. The finale tonight was a one minute elbow plank which Freedom tried to extend into plank leg raises. The Pax would have nothing to do with that.

Mole Skin

My #PB was a meme that declared "There will be no burpees". The Pax (Jaws) made it very clear he expected me to keep that promise. I obliged, this time…

Just before Mary, YHC found a lonely $10 laying on the ground. It came in handy immediately following, as it paid for half of the first round at Crafty's.

Jaws, good luck in the P 200. Sounds like it will be a great event.

There is a log by the garage. I have been keeping my eye on it. Eventually, maybe next time, we are going to move it somewhere.