Block Fun

Event Date

Mar 16, 2017


11 posted to chilly, but perfect weather at SVU.  Q promised no running, and preceded to honor his word.        

Warm up:

20 SSH

10 Mountain Climbers

10 Copperhead Squats

Head to the back and grab some blocks

Half PAX grab 2 @ 64# and half grab 1 @ 32# – partner up in parking lot


The Thang:

50 Merkins

100 yd Farmer’s Carry with Blocks

50 Flutter kicks

100 yd Farmer’s Carry with Blocks

50 Burpees

100 yd Farmer’s Carry with Blocks

50 Pull ups

100 yd Farmer’s Carry with Blocks

50 El DeBlocko

50 Flutter Kicks


1 min Low Plank



Ezra 10:4 “Rise up; this matter is in your hands.  We will support you, so take courage and do it.”

I can’t tell you what your “it” is, but you know it.  You may not know you know it, but it’s there; waiting to be discovered.  Nike would have us “Just do it”, but many times we are afraid we’ll make a wrong decision and fail.  If that happens, then I say you didn’t study, learn your “it” better before taking action.  You have to do your upfront homework, but if you know you’re ready, then (and only then) “….take courage and do it.”


Mole Skin:

  • Cheetah’s praise arms are getting stronger

  • Did the Germans bomb George Washington at Valley Forge?  

  • Dandelion is unusually quiet – probably in shock the Q made a posted

  • Welcome back Paddle – 1st post=good, but 2nd post takes courage

  • Overhead block carry >= Farmer’s carry

  • 50 Burpees is crowd pleaser – Whoever kept yelling “chest to the ground” can zip it.

  • Flutter kicks up hill < Flutter kicks down hill (future reference)

  • 50 El DeBlocko’s is a stretch

  • Playground has new mulch, everyone’s back can testify

  • Clark again uses a sun dial to time 1 min of low plank (or, we all need to improve our core strength?!?!?)

  • Lots of fun this AM, thanks for the opportunity.  Not sure why I don’t post more?


Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb