Day 5 in the Books – Leprechaun Hunting We Did

Day 5 in the Books, Leprechaun Hunting We Did…

Also in attendance not on the site, Jorts. 

Day number 5 and I pull into the lot to survey the lands to a toasty 24 degrees.  Really glad I picked probably the coldest week to Q all year. I don’t think it ever got above 28 degrees for any of my workouts.  With it be St. Patty’s Day and all, I figured we’d explore the grounds and try to find us that pot of gold.  Here is our story…


Mosey around LFC parking lot doing high knees, butt kickers, karaoke, circle up.

20 – SSH

10 – IST

15 – Cotton Pickers

10 – Toy Soldiers

10 – Windmills

The Thang:

Split into two groups. 

The first group did pull ups AMRAP while group two did a small lap (1st island and back to the pull up bars).  Flapjack.

Toes to bar (1st group) while the 2nd group ran a lap around the 2nd island and back.  Flapjack.


Line up in two lines and Indian Run all the way down the lot and back up to the church to perform Balls To Wall.  Split into two groups.  Each lining up on opposite ends.  Each man at front get into BTW and traverse sideways to the middle of the wall.  Lunge walk back to the end of your line and repeat for a total of two times through.

Mosey over to the fire pit area to perform the following exercises:

10 – Box jumps

10 – Decline Mercans

10 – Dips


Mosey over to the front entrance, audible over to the middle lot due to traffic coming in for the bible meet.  Line up at the end of the parking line facing the other end of the parking space (probably 15 yards).  Bear Crawl to the end and perform 5 burpees.  Lunge walk back to the starting point and do 4 burpees.  Repeat this down to 1 burpee and lunge walk back to the start. 

Mosey over to the rock pile by the cars and choose a rock.

20 – Rock Swings

15 – Thrusters

Lap (run around the 2nd island and back to your rock.  Steal any rock of your choice)

15 – Curls IC

15 – Shoulder press IC

15 – Skull crushers IC


20 – Chest press w/ low flutter IC

15 – Mason Twist w/ rock IC

15 – WWII w/ rock



In spirit of March Madness, I felt that 64 LBC’s IC would be appropriate.  Recover, recover…


A chilly day once again, but it didn’t stop 17 of our strongest Pax to show up this St. Patty’s Day to test our minds and will.  To answer the question I got during this week of Q’ing, it is not my birthday or any significant milestone.  I just randomly signed up to Q Mad Scientist which was my first post about a year and a half ago.  I didn’t have anyone lined up to Q The Sword on Monday so I was going to Q Monday.  Tuesday, Stromboli is always Q’ing so I wanted to help him out to give him a day off so I figured “Why Not” finish up the week at Dragon Slayer on Thursday and The Foundry on Friday.  It really became a personal challenge to me to show just how far I’ve come on this journey.  When I started a year and a half ago, I would never have thought I could do this let alone lead a workout.  It really does prove what F3 can do for you and prove Jolly’s quote true that I was that guy praying for this and didn’t even know it.  Thank you all for showing up throughout the week.  It was great seeing a lot of familiar faces. 

As always, it’s a pleasure to be a part of this group which continues to push me.  Look forward to seeing you in the gloom real soon.