At least I was warned.

“I’m gonna ruck 0530-0615 and the run 0615-0659″”Then I’ll bitch and moan from 0700-0800″This was my warning. I knew the mumblechatter was going to be en pointe. Oh yeah, it was raining too. Here’s how it went.Warm-a-Rama Rainy morning warm-ups. A quick mosey around “Bristol” with a lap of high knees, and butt kickers. 30 SSH IC, 20 WM IC, 20 CP IC, and 20 IST ICThe Thang We mosied to the upper lot for a round of Dora 1,2,3. The Pax really over achieved on this one. Or maybe I underestimated how long it would take this group to finish. Down the hill to the Crack Shack for some Step Ups, 10 each leg. Then a round of Merkins, Dips, and Derkins. We ran the long way to the dugout for Preacher’s Chair, and BTTW. Down the steps for a long set of Dan Taylors. All the way back to the end of the upper lot for a quick round of Bear Crawl Ring of Fire. This quickly turned into Duck Walk RoF. Either way, it sucked.MaryThe Pax suggested we try Mary in the mulched area, to stay drier. Not sure if it was really worth it at this point, I was already pretty wet. By this point, the mumblechatter had me broken down. Tailhook, The Senator, and Cupcake bailed me out.NMMAfter a quick review of the Pax, it was easy to see Ruckers aren’t afraid of a little rain.It’s a lot easier to filter out the mumblechatter when there are 2 dozen Pax.Always interesting convos at coffeeteria. I think we are all looking forward to Tailhook’s plan to takeover Eddie’s. He could definitely make it the place it deserves to be.My favorite story of the morning, was Cupcake’s story of his daughter meeting Ariel at Disney. “Dad, she’s got sea shells”. “No honey, those are D shells.”And of course, those were Manhands quotes at the beginning of this #BB.I look forward to spending my Saturday mornings with you guys. Even in the rain.Thank you all.