March Natty-Ness

Event Date

Mar 21, 2017


Four of "We 'dem boys" made it out to collectively commiserate about busted brackets and participate in some March Natty-ness. Here's just how it all went down 


Forward skip, side shuffle x 2, backwards skip, SSH, Cotton freaking cherry pickers and windmill

The Thang

Natty-ness apparently has very little to do with brackets, but a whole lot to do with The Murph

Mosey to back parking lot. Do 10 pull-ups OYO, 20 'mericans (10 I/C) and 30 squats (15 I/C)

Do 10 sets in total for a grand total of 100 pull-ups, 200 'mericans and 300 squats. Mosey back to parking lot


– Freddie Mercury

– Box cutter

– Low flutter

– Peter Parker / Spider Man


  • The chances of filling out a perfect NCAA basketball pool are as low as 1 in 9.2 quintillion. Odds of pain during the Murph are much higher and assed as 1 in 1 as long as you show up. Yeah yooz fartsackers, I said it
  • 911 can count up to four in at least four languages. Although this fact may upset his German ancestors, he shows a distinct fondness and flair for French
  • This last one is gonna be quick. That's what he said
  • Arizona has been on one helluva bender shopping spree in South Carolina and does not plan to pay for any of these ill gotten treasures. It could just be a mid-life crisis. One key to avoiding identity theft: don't put down your "F3 name" as your mothers maiden name on your credit applications 
  • Fairly lame attempt at connecting the bracket to the Murph by saying the second to last set was the semis and last set was the finals, but this was clearly a reach by the Q
  • The best part of the workout was when a local camera company came by at the end to interview us. They invited us into the studio to demonstrate some of our boot camp routines under the persona of "Chop and Steele". See the attached link for excerpts. Note that we will be trying the tandem exercises at the 1:57 mark during next weeks workout. Prepare both yourself mentally and physically

Fake Strongman Duo Chop & Steele Prank Morning Shows

  • If Double Double treated for breakfast during Saturday mornings aborted workout due to dampness and a wise Pax decision to focus on the second F, shouldn't he still have to post a back blast for it? 
  • While the aforementioned session was not exactly a Tony Tobbins conference on making the most out of oneself, there was a lot of helpful advice shared on strategies for how to obtain real estate with absolutely no money down. 
  • Great work men!