Hossenfeffer Fartsacking

Event Date

Mar 23, 2017


Five of Northwest Mecklenburg County's finest gathered in response to a rather cryptic pre-blast regarding rabbit food and an allusion to a 50 lb. feed bag that would require the use of gloves. Alas, there was no little bunny Foo Foo, no rabbit food and no Q to be found in the early morning Cobalt gloom. Perhaps the F3 Gmail account was hacked, or April Fools came early and we all got punked. The assembled crew, never being one to panic, came up with a quick audible with the aid of the tennis court code and a trusty iPhone. Here is how it dropped


High knees, butt kicks, karaoke x 2, SSH, TS, windmill and freakin' pickers

The Thang

Go into tennis court.  Do one exercise in each corner for 30 seconds then run to next corner

Round 1

1st set

  • Mercans

  • Frog jumps with 1/4 turn

  • LBC

  • Burpees

1 min rest

2nd set

  • Carolina Dry Dock

  • Jump lunges

  • Mason twist

  • Diamonds

1 min rest

3rd set – repeato of the 1st set

4th set – repeato of the 2nd set

Round 2

Bear crawl down baseline and up to service line. Crab walk along service line and back. Repeato


  • Crunches with simultaneous ankle lifts

  • Squats

  • Box cutter

  • Bridge


  • With the recent weather fluctuations, you may want to pack "shin sleeves" for these cold mornings

  • Jump squat form demonstrated by the Pax was neither vertical nor straight

  • If diamond mercans were easy, they would be called “Your Mom”. Insert rim shot

  • The Lenten loophole of breaking ones fast on Sunday and enjoying in the items you have sacrificed may not exactly be in keeping with the spirit of the sacrifice.

  • While this may have been left out of the ESV bible translation, I had always heard the beef jerky from Judah was heavenly

  • Don't mess with Double Double’s pig. Consider yourself warned

  • For how crabby Oktoberfest can be sometimes, you would think he would be a whole lot better at crab walking. Insert rim shot

  • Funerals are a blast

  • Your circadian rhythm (also known as your sleep/wake cycle or body clock) is a natural, internal system that’s designed to regulate feelings of sleepiness and wakefulness over a 24-hour period. This complex timekeeper is controlled by an area of the brain that responds to light, which is why humans are most alert while the sun is shining and are ready to sleep when it’s dark outside.Your circadian rhythm causes your level of wakefulness to rise and dip throughout the day. Most people feel the strongest desire to sleep between 1:00pm and 3:00pm (a.k.a. the post-lunch, afternoon crash) and then again between 2:00am and 4:00am, but this can vary from person to person. That’s why some people are “morning people,” while others function best in the evening.

  • Double Double’s circadian rhythm has been diagnosed as a tendency for extreme and chronic narcolepsy at 5 am on mornings where he is supposed to Q

  • The stars and moon are much clearer in "The Overlook" compared with the skies in "Riverbend" (isn't that the name of the new development they are building across from Walmart?)

  • Solid effort men!