Core of Boxing

Event Date

Mar 28, 2017

There are a few things one must obtain to be a boxer; legs, core, stamina, speed. I’ve never introduced any boxing work into a Q so I figured today would be a good day to start. My intention was to keep heart rates high and the PAX confused with new things. In the ring you have to be ready for anything at any time…see Mike Tyson biting off a piece of ear lobe. With a few weeks of proper training, one could be prepared to move into some gloves and start some shadow work, we just aren’t setup for this. Hopefully you found something interesting, challenging, or unique, if not thanks for posting and I’ll return your money.



Air Jump Ropes IC

Air “Boxer Jump Ropes” or skip steps (Skipper Steps)

We switched between these jumps for 2 ½ minutes non-stop


The Thang

Line up and complete the following all conducted in YHC’s cadence count of 10

Shuffles – right and then left with jabs in flurry at end left hand touches right ankle and vice versa when going left

Mike Tyson’s 10 IC

Shuffles – same as the first a little bit louder a little bit worse, this time with upper cuts

Table Top crunches 10 IC

Timer – Four PAX run to the top of the lot, one holds yoga ball while the other high flurry punches 30 OYO counting when cross hits (right hand for righties) switch role after

All other PAX complete punch-up merkins until Timers return. Down, up, 5 punches right hand, down, up 5 punches left hand

Circle up for core work

Left oblique LBCs 10 IC

Rights oblique LBCs 10 IC

Head out to LBH (Little Baby Hill) for a reverse Indian Run. PAX (Group) runs up the hill while the 6 runs down, at pre-determined marker both group and 6 turn and run towards each other. 6 falls in with group and next PAX runs as six leaving in opposite direction. Sound confusing, I’ll bring it back out on Saturday, #ShowToKnow. This one caused lots of LBH runs since a standing room only crowd of 9 HIM posted.

Return to launch pad

10 OYO Burpees but where you’d normally jump (or pretend to) flurry punch x10

Back to curb for 10 IC Mike Tyson’s.

Merkin time, since our arms aren’t tired yet, 10IC with a hold and high plank at 5 then to low plank then back to IC merkins for another 4 hold plank, low plank, finish out last merkin.

PAX choice while waiting…peoples chair with air press or squat jumps as the timers (called for 2, but 4 went) run to top of lot and flurry uppercut on Metro’s balls yoga balls OYO 30, switch to hold ball for partner.

Line up and skip with jump rope to top of lot and then skip backwards back to start. Many thought this isn't possible…it is. Takes time like anything else. It's never comfortable not being able to do something, and for most of us we like to be really, really good at whatever that may be. Just know there is always something out there that you may not know how to do or are not good doing, there is a brother next to you that most likely is and can!


Round Robin including, but not limited to:

LBCs’, Dr. W. Low Dolly, Peter Parkers, Flutter Kicks with air press (Abrams Style), American Hammer, Windshield Wipers


I thank you, O God, for giving me a body which is fit and strong,

And for making me able to use it well.

In my training,

Help me never to shirk the discipline which I know that I need

And that I ought to accept.

In my leisure and in my pleasure,

Help me never to allow myself any indulgence

Which would make me less fit than I ought to be.

When I compete with others

Help me, win or lose, to play fair.

When I win, keep me from boasting

When I lose, keep me from making excuses.

Keep me from being conceited when I succeed, and from being sulky when I fail.

And help me always with good will congratulate a better man who beat me.

Help me so to live that I will always have a healthy body and healthy mind.

This I ask for Your love’s sake.  Amen


Nice turn out this morning given the rain overnight. I believe everyone enjoyed the time we spent on the ground getting wet and saving expenses for the SVU Road Dry Team.

All the core work was greatly appreciated by everyone along with all the merkins.

The reverse Indian Run, although confusing at first, proved to be enjoyable by all. Nothing like running up and down a hill 9 times.

Gillette may need to return to the launch pad for a spill on aisle one.

Metro seemed to enjoy the chatter about all the PAX beating on his balls (yoga), but then threw them in Dandelion’s truck since they were wet!?

Pleasure to lead the charge today at SVU!
