Gladiator Swamp with Variety

Lucky 7 entered the Gladiator arena to find pain, sweat & variety!  About 60 temp & 99% humidity after some morning rain.  This is what happened that left the pax in tears.

Mosey around two sections of parking lot with high knees & butt kickers.


SSH x 20 IC, IST x 10 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, Toy Soldier x 10, & Windmill x 10 IC

Stay at the Fountain for some bench work.

Benches: Up & Down

Dips x 15 IC

Squats x 10 IC

Mtn Climbers x 10 IC

Step Ups x 15 each leg OYO (back down some kind of ladder)

Mtn Climbers x 15FC

Squats x 10 IC –

Dips x 10 IC

Benches #2: (kinda quiet) Swing State decided to join us after GPS issues not finding Viking.  Our gain !

Incline Merican x 10 IC

Alt Lunges x 10 each leg IC

Peter Parkers x 15 IC

5 Burpees OYO – back down ladder

Peter Parkers x 15 IC

Recover & Mosey  – time she's a ticking – gotta move !

Mosey to parking lot.

Interval running:

25% speed to middle island, then 50% to end, short mosey to next lot section,

75% speed to middle island, then 100% Sprint, Mericans x 10 IC (Murph chest veeeery tight )

Flip Flop Flap – change the interval for goodness sake !

100% Sprint to middle island, then 75% to end,

50% to middle island, 25% to finish.

Mosey to next lot section.

Bear Crawl:

Post – Tree  – Tree – Post

Bear Crawl to 1st post, 10 Diamond Mericans,

BC to Tree, 10 DMs

BC to Tree, 5 DMs

BC to Post, 5 DMs


Lunge Walk with Air Press, 10 Lunges each leg while Air Pressing, then 5 Burpees, Repeato once

Recover, then mosey over to Cindy, with a thrown in Quadrephelia

Cindy Blocks:

Shoulder Press x 10 IC (literally just crushed YHC – KMOA)

Squats x 10 IC

Bent Over Rows x 10 IC

Bring them back to their home cause they Suck !

Mosey back to Fountain.  Already fine memories from just minutes ago – Ha !

Little time to kill before some MARY, Mary, Why U Buggin.

Benches (curtain call):

Dips x 10 IC

Inc Mercs x 10 IC

Step Ups x 15 each leg OYO.

Mosey to under doorway entrance to church, portico, car port, overhang, hang over ?

MARY: Circle of MARY

Soprano – so horrible I can't even remember OUCH

Beetle Juice – Crunchy Frog x 20 IC (ouch)

Black Beard – LBC x 25 IC

Amen – J Lo (Shades of Blue heating up) x 20 IC

Swing State – Low Flutter x 20 IC

Waffle House – Pillow Talk x 10 IC each side

YHC – Rosalita x 20 IC


Rumple Moleskin:

(1) Thanks to Travolta for allowing me to Q Gladiator !  This AO has alot of nice nooks & pain crannys. 

(2) 7 PAX after rain & Murph Monday for some !  Guys were pushing it much !

(3) Tclaps to Amen who apparently has found his Mojo !  One way to tell is when pax talks more during the workout, even while we were Bear Crawling.  Qing consistently has found Amen slimming down quickly & swaggering.  Confidence comes with Qing !  Right Turnpike ?

(4) Thanks to Waffle House & Beetle Juice for stepping off the Oakhurst Plantation to join the group.  Fast fockers !

(5) Good discussion with Swing State after the beatdown.  Only in F3 since Nov 2016 & he is crushing workouts.  Watch this boy play hoops !  Can you say count the dribbles in order to steal the ball !  30ish steals at BRP Sat !  Ah Quickness…….

(7) Good to see Soprano, the original Gladiator for yhc !  Him & Crack would toss a coin each Tues to see who would step on the pax throat ! 

(8) So Blackbeard posts regularly & then gets Stronger !  News at 11 ! Rock Star

Love you Freaks !  Keep me honest !

Mayhem (in the AM)