You done messed up A-A-Ron !!

Event Date

Mar 29, 2017

The Wednesday AOs in Lake Norman are awesome.  Found myself debating, late on Tuesday night, among all the great options.  A Dry Rub beat down at Mighty Oak would have been cool, and it was his birthday to boot.  HalfLife…well…needed a break from running, but always a good time with Kumquat and crew.  Could have taken in a great beat down from my P200 van mate Hippie, at Hollywood.  TBone was going to provide his usual arse-kicking at Mad Scientist.  And of course, Gaga is always a great Wednesday option.

Hard decisions.

Then fate seemed to intervene.  T-Bone needed to be somewhere with his 2.2 early this AM, and needed a fill in at Mad Scientist.  Enter The Substitute.  If you haven't seen 'Key and Peele' episodes with The Substitute Teacher, please YouTube them post haste.  But not at work.  Some quotes found here:

But we digress.  Here is roughly what went down today at Mad Scientist.

0527:  3 minute warning given.  PAX pronounced their names, or should we say in most cases, mispronounced their names, so the wrath ensued.
0529.45:  Master Po finally gets out of his f***ing car, and the anger level increases.


*         Mosey up the parking deck to the top, including high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia.

Circle up.  Disclaimer given:  I'm not a professional.  If you want a professional workout, you needed to be 2 levels lower where Camp Gladiator was going on.

*         SSH x 15 IC

*         IST x 15 IC

*         Soybean Farmers x 15 IC

*         Slow, deep squats x 15 IC

*         Mericans x 10 IC.  HOLD for:

*         Mountain Climbers x 15 IC.  HOLD for:

*         1 min elbow plank.  HOLD for:

*         Mericans x 10 IC.

After that Titan suggested we were finally done with warm-ups.  Uh, not quite Tit – an, and please don't mispronounce your name again.

*         Side-ways plank walk down 1 level, stopping at every 5th right hand placement for 1 Merican.

Upper body break:

*         Lunge walk down 1 level.

*         Reverse lunge walk down 1 level.  Meh, not every idea is a keeper.

*         Low Flutters x 25 IC

Mosey to the front of the Discovery Place building, and partner up.

*         Partner 1:  Balls to the wall

*         Partner 2:  25 jump squats OYO

*         Flip flop.

*         Partner 1:  People's chair

*         Partner 2:  25 jump ups OYO

*         Flip flop.

Run to the playground across Gilead.  We stopped at some point for 10 Monkey Humpers IC.  At the playground, find your partner for:

*         Partner 1:  10 pull-ups OYO

*         Partner 2:  10 Burpees OYO

*         Flip flop.

*         Repeato with 8.

*         1 minute elbow plank

If Caboose were present, I would have continued down to 2 reps, in order to avoid him calling this a "soccer arms" workout.  Well guess what, Caboose wasn't there, and as Substitute Teacher I can do whatever the heck I please!

Hustle back to the bottom of the deck.  Stopped again for 10 Monkey Humpers IC.

Run to the top of the deck…backwards.  Plank while waiting.

Hustle down the steps.  Whoops didn't mean to put us in the basement.  Hustle to the parking lot by our cars.

Mary, no, let's call it "De-nice" today:

*         1 minute elbow plank, then right arm up, then left, for 20 seconds each.

*         JLOs x 15 IC

*         5 Burpees OYO.

Recover, recover.  We covered about 1.4 miles according to Strava.  If you're not on Strava yet…you better get on Strava before we meet again.  Cuz we could go to war.  I'm for real.


1.       In all seriousness, great work by all today.

2.       Prayers for Master Po and his M, and they welcome a baby soon.  There was lots of advice given, but we prayed that they can slow down and enjoy EVERY SINGLE MINUTE.  What a blessing.

3.       Forest ran 6 miles last night, yet still looked speedy out there today.  Great work.

4.       Titan commented that my JLOs looked more like "pickle pounders".  Uh, don't know what to say about that, other than that is just genetics brother.

5.       The Count almost brought out 2 FNGs today.  But, no dice.  Maybe they heard The Substitute was in and decided no.  Keep EH'ing brother!

6.       Q-Bert seemed to know a lot about Camp Gladiator.  But please…don't leave us for them bro!  We need young fast dudes to chase at these workouts so we can all improve.  Aye buddy.

7.       Spare reminded the PAX that we need guest Qs at The Cauldron.  Help him out please!  Ditto for Nordberg at The Vanquisher…help out a Master Q by offering to lead.  It will keep everything fresh and make the MQ happy.

8.       Thank you LaBon for the opportunity to lead.  Mad Scientist is an awesome AO.

Until next time,
The Substitute.