Broken Pain Clock Stuck on Burpees…

A big crowd gathered at Wilderness this morning – unusual for YHC Qs lately – and there were even some motivated PAX for the 0440 standard (Dallas, BEP, Calypso, Burner, YHC).  Side note – it was cute how Calypso and Burner can now carpool and I am sure towards the end of the summer they will have a threesome with the addition of BEP into the exclusive Torrence enclave – now back to the show. YHC arrived back from the Standard in the nick of time – fighting some gastro issue – it was a good thing, because it sounded as if The Force was about to mutiny and take charge.    I believe the comment was "dang" when I appeared.  All PAX can thank me for saving them later.

Today was all about the PAX fitness – because I trully care – so we stepped into the "Litter Box" for a little warm-o-rama and the start of the beat down!


SSH x 20 IC

IST x 10 IC

Carrot Pickers x 10 IC

Windmills x 10 IC

Then mosey to the roundabout for further instructions


Modified pain clock was on the plan, but to make it easier on the PAX, the first round would be just Burpees.  Starting with 1 Burpee all the way up to 12 (78 in Total), with a lap inbetween each set.  Based on the amount of chatter – it appeared the PAX appreciated the simplicity of the initial workout – side note:  YHC has designs of a 1-12, then back to 1 Burpee ladder.  But like all good politicians, I listened to the constituents and called an audible – cheers all around!!

On to the second Act…Partner up for YHC favorite (size does not matter) – Patty Cake sit-up ladder.  PAX execute 5, 10, 15, 20 Patty Cake Sit-ups – between each set, run a lap around the pain clock and execute equal number of Mericans (5, 10, 15, 20) then run a lap and repeato until you reach 20 of each.

Mosey back to the litter box/playground for some Mary – along the way Dallas called "jailbreak" up the hill and it was a site to behold – and I guess that is what is called "sprinting"


As always, Mary was a small collection of exercises to include BBC, LBC, Flutter Kicks, W's and Touch them Heels

Recover, Recover


Initial desired reaction to me Qing was achieved as noted by The Force "Oh Dang" he's hear.  I could feel the emotion and love pouring out and it made my heart swell

Thanks Burner and Calypso, Dallas and BEP for the standard – it was nice to see Burner and Calypso together again and waiting for my arrival

Mumblechatter was down a little today, could it have been the burpees + running?  could that have been planned? we will never know

Thanks to all who showed – Max effort was put forth by all – and a special thanks to Jimmy O for reminding me that the "six" is the most important part of the workout and why we are out there in the gloom

Stay tuned for the next installment of a beatdown coming to an AO near you soon
