
Event Date

Mar 30, 2017


Five of MIL's finest were not too sleepy to come this fine F3 morning and work out in near-monastic silence. . 911, Vega, Double Double, Natty Lite, El Tigre


Warm-o-rama: Cotton cherry pickers, toy soldier, IST, SSH, Hi Knees, Carioca, BAckward run


Thang – circuit

UFO mercans – a diamond mercan on a round balance board

AB roller – with straps

Chowder Squat: 50lb

Incline Mercan

Gun Show

Straight shoulder raise

Brick press

Mosey through neighborhood; repeato; mosey to stopsign; repeat


Mary: Box cutters, WWII, Freddy-Mercury-Pizza-Roll, Reverse Crunch



  • No Grip?!  Alas, he will have to wait for a full lunar cycle for a chance at Double Double Q again 
  • Natty Lite is not a strapping young man.
  • 911 sights Quiddich match? Q thinks some people should not work in fields giving them access to controlled substances.
  • Natty advises Yoga may be in F3 future. Double Double is busy that day.

MIchelle Nuckles passed away this week. Prayers for the family. Pray also that Gianna's mole biopsy comes back negative.




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Follow @F3MtnIslandLake on Twitter.


On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 10:02 PM, F3 MountainIslandLake <> wrote:

Shhhh. Double Double is very sleepy, but will make every effort to Q. If for no other reason than to bring an end to Grip Gripe.

Image result for sleeping office worker



3810 Mountain Cove Drive

Charlotte, NC 28216



0525 stretch, 0530 launch, 0615 smoked!

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Follow @F3MtnIslandLake on Twitter.