
Event Date

Apr 04, 2017


There was some confusion about who was Q this morning, but when YHC arrived there was a plea of no contest. YHC was introduced to fallout by Tbone, and the workout was a kamikaze. It only seemed fitting to have that as the workout for my first Q at the AO. Mother nature had other plans though, and it was requested by the Pax that we not go on the soccer fields. There were a few other audibles for various reasons, but still managed to finished beat down and sweaty. The thang:Tabata: 7 exercises, 8 rounds a piece, 20 seconds work flowed by 10 seconds of rest. Between each set, jog to the end of the parking lot and try not to get hit by a bus, then max effort back to the pavilion. Pushups Flutter kicksWw2 situpsDipsSquatsElbow plankBurpees The clock was reset for the Flutter kick round to be 40 sec of work for 4 rounds, as 20s seemed to quick. Calypso kindly suggested we still do 8 rounds of 40s. 6 rounds in and the Pax looked drained. We made it up with some extra credit Flutter kicks to close out the morning. Moleskin:Lawndart, thanks for giving in on Qing so easily. This is a great AO and I look forward to Q again soon. I believe 3 posted for the standard, Lawndart, turnpike, and tantrum. I believe The Force is a Carolina fan, so he was excused for being up that early.Tabata is fun, and is great to do in a small group, but I would have liked to have something a little more dynamic. Next time 😉 There was a decent amount of chatter, but everyone took the final burpees round like champs. We thought we had figured out the trick to getting people to Fallout, have Tbone say he is not coming at all! But as it turns out the cars were there for a field trip and numbers were still low. The AO is huge, with a lot of interesting topography and equipment, I’m surprised it’s not more popular. Thanks again for the opportunity! Till next time!