What about the 8 miles you promised?!

FNG report: Code Blue brought his twin sons, Stars and Stripes and Tantrum brought his sons, Guy Smiley and Faceplant (well, to be precise, his M dropped them off).  The father son dynamic in addition to having the Estate "regulars" in attendance made for an awesome morning…

YHC ran the River Rat 10k at 5am with Tantrum and Turnpike.  While those two stayed for Excelsior with Mooch and Jaws, I went back home to feed the dog and cats so that my M and daughters could sleep in just a little longer.  I thought about putting some structure to the workout that I decided to "wing" the night before but changed my mind and stuck to my original plan to "wing" it.  So, I got in the car and headed back for the workout.

With nothing planned, "reading" the Pax was going to be important to determine what would or wouldn't work this morning.  The first instruction was that "all we were going to do" was run 8 miles.  The Pax chuckled and we decided to warm up first.  So, after side-straddle hops, frankensteins (cadence and count called out in the voice of franskenstein), imperial storm troopers and cotton pickers for warmorama, the Pax were directed to the bus lot for the beginning of a boot camp beatdown. Faceplant stares me down and says "What about the 8 miles you promised?"  He was serious.  He's in elementary school and he was calling out the Q.  YHC informed him that it's the perogative of the Q to change the workout as needed at which point he decided that he would race 9-Lives to the bus lot.  There was a lot of pushing and shoving between those two and it was the start of a beatiful morning.

We did a whole bunch of stuff like:

  • Partner rows on the rings
  • Slow 'mericans
  • Slow Squats
  • Protractor
  • People's Chair
  • Wall obstacle
  • Railing traverse
  • Dips
  • Step ups
  • Curb Kickers (River Dance)
  • Running
  • Bear crawl, 'merican, crab walk medley
  • Partner shoulder shrugs on the loading dock
  • The full rock workout (full curls, tricep extensions, low curls, shoulder press, high curls, squats & finish it off with the 8 counts "Burner")
  • Crabawocky
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Shoulder Touch 'mericans

We got a full body beatdown (as you can see from above) but the best part of the morning was the mumble chatter.  Without a Weinke, it's so much more fun to read the Pax and make decisions on the fly about what exercise to do next.  If you have a chance to do it, give it a shot.  If you're out of ideas, ask the Pax.  They will make a suggestion and you can go with it or decided to do something else.  You'll guarantee that everyone will be involved and the banter will make for some great fellowship.

It was truly an honor to be able to get out this morning and lead a workout with this fine group of fathers, sons, brothers, husbands, friends and leaders in our community.

Elmers has the Q next week.  See you then!!

