Cock the Hammer, It’s Time

Event Date

Apr 08, 2017


A 7 pack came out to Bailey Road Park with high expectations and ready to cock the hammer.  


SSH x 15 

Low Flutters x 15 

Mountain Climbers x 10 

Pain Station #1

Run 1/8 mile around the track.  Meet partner on the other side. 

10 partner derkins. 

10-1 burpee ladder, LBCs 

Run up the concrete steps from the track.  10 burpees at the top.  Run down with your partner and do 1 LBC at the bottom.  9-2, 8-3…6-5, 5-6, …2-9, 1-10 

Pain Station #2 

Suicide Planks 

Partner A holds plank 

Partner B runs a suicide up to one BB hoop and back.  Partner A flapjacks while Partner B holds plank. 

Basketball Goal #2 

Basketball Goal #3. 

Repeato running backwards on the way out. 

Repeato running regular, but partner planker does 5 merkins on #1, 10 merkins on #2, 20 merkins on #3

Easy Station #1 

Mosey to the newly planted picnic tables

10 derkins and 10 stepups 

Mosey to the mosque.  People's chair and touch dem heels x 10 

Mosey to the pull up sation 

Easy Station #2 

OCR Course 

Balance beam to mushroom hops to dip bars to up and over on the monkey bar ladder. 

Hop up and over each fence post (about 30 total). 

Mosey to the field. 

Pain Station #3 

3 ROUNDS of 1/8 mile runs around the soccer field with your partner. 

At one end, 10 partner plank jumps x 10 

At the other end, 10 partner plank derkins on each other's backs


6 Bam-Bams via Bam-Bam

10 Touch Dem Heels by Firestone 

10 Leveon Bell's by Jethro

10 Freddie Mercuries by Metallica 

COT Scrappy 

Scraptastical Moleskin: 

1.  Jethro came in late and ran up to 115 looking for us.  No go.  Kept going and found us at Bailey Middle School just in time for some burpepalooza. 

2.  Bam Bam toted his furry friend, Baxter, and brought the mumble chatter.  Much appreciated.  Only guy I know that can clip at a 6:00 min pace and hold a full conversation.  

3.  Master Po and Firestone rocking the clown car.  Strong work.  Firestone brought some comic relief as always.  Welcome back from Paris mon amie.  C'est la vie. Good to have you back.  Po is only 28 or something.  Hate and Hate.  You rock dude.  Still hate you.  

4.  NIce to meet Samsoninte.  Your name is too long.  I'm gonna call you Samson.  Nice work.  Hope you liked the kick to the proverbial face.  We went hard today.  

5.  Metallica likewise was moving today at a blustering pace.  The older you get, the stronger.  Impressive.  I wanna be you. 

Nice work.  There were other workouts this Saturday.  We hit it hard.  Fellowship was high this AM.  Appreciate you men and so thankful I found F3 4 years ago.  It reminds me that I need to continue to give it away.   

Good to see Jethro and Metallica at the Hix's house via Outlaw's ALS Memorial Day.  We did yardwork together, Outlaw brought the coffee and doughnuts and had a good time.  So thankful for this group.  I'm blessed.  

