Hill Work at Titan

Event Date

Apr 10, 2017


After another awesome #TripleDown with my battle buddy Tantrum on Saturday, he asked if I wouldn't mind Qing Titan today.  Of course buddy!  But, without much time to put something together, it was going to be some hard hill work at good Ol' Mortimer Hill.  We did this last March, link here:


This time…wait…oh god, the BRR is less than 5 months away!  We are behind a little.  Here is what went down today:

0500:  ~2.4 mile Run Standard with Major Tom and Tantrum.  We stayed east of Beatties Ford Road, because we knew what was coming later.

0530:  Disclaimer given on the way to…


  • Run to "Mortimer Hill", ~1 mile away.
  • Warm up with SSH x 5 IC (there, we warmed up!)
  • Run to the top of the hill, 20 Mericans.
  • Run to the bottom of the hill, 25 LBCs.
  • Return to Hopewell High after the last ascent up the hill.


  • 1 minute AMRAP of this thing I saw on FaceBook.  Jaws called it a "Reverse Drunken JLO" or something similarly catchy.
  • 1 minute AMRAP of another thing from FaceBook.  It was hard but I can't describe it.
  • 1 minute AMRAP of Makhtar N'Diayes
  • Low Flutter x 15 IC
  • 30 second elbow plank.  Or maybe it was a minute, can't remember.
  • LBCs x 25 IC

Recover, recover.  We covered 4.1 miles according to Strava, and 4.2 miles according to Garmin.  WTF?  Link below:



  1. Really impressive work from everyone.  And not. a. single. complaint.  Aye.
  2. Jaws and Dirt were both there the first time we did these hill repeats.  Awesome to see how much progress they've made on the hills.  #Beasts.
  3. Major Tom's first time at Titan, welcome!  We're, ah, gonna need you to Q soon actually.
  4. Speaking of Qs, Stray has it for next week.  We're told we will NOT go to Mortimer Hill, but we will check out the dominoes on the sidewalk.
  5. Thank you Tantrum for the opportunity to lead.  Hope to see you at Fallout tomorrow.  YHC promises no hill repeats there.

Have a great week everyone.
