Why choose between Qs when you can have both for the same price?

Also attending the workout were Ball Bearing's two 2.0, The Bus, Pudd'n, and Buckner.

Warming up: 16x SSH, 16x MC, 16x Imperial Walker: Time to go! Half went running to start, half went with Das Boot to play with Sand Bags.

Running w/MindFreak

Run to Art Center:

Round 1:20x Alternating StepUps, 10x Burpee box jumps, 10 x Merkin, 10x DSS (Deep Slow Squat)

Round 2:20x Alternating StepUps, 9x Burpee box jumps, 10x Decline Merkin, 10x Side Lunge 

Run to Green to pick up any stragglers (We started 15 min early due to Habitiat Build), continue to Godwin Hill

Partner up, Dora 1-2-3 with 100 Merkin, 200 Squat, 300 Crunches.  One PAX runs while other exercises.

SUPRISE TIME:  Switch groups.  

Run to Godwin. Partner up, Dora 1-2-3 with 100 Merkin, 200 Squat, 300 Crunches.  One PAX runs while other exercises.

Das Boat:

 A day at the beach

3 rounds of Sandbag Core

  • Curls in cadence X 15
  • Skull crushers X15
  • 20x jump squats
  • 1x Marin Luther (run to slap the church door and back)
  • 15x sandbag double crunch alternating with suspended-sandbag flutter kicks

2 rounds of Traveling Sandbag Partners

  • Snapshot (shotput sandbag, burpee broad-jump to the bag) halfway down parking lot and back
    • Partner does Perfect Merkins to the turn, then LBC till return – swap and partner completes
  • Submarine (walking lunges, sandbag periscope up / down every two paces) halfway down, then back
    • Partner does another set of Perkins and LBCs
  • 2×10 burpees with sandbags while waiting for the 2nd group

Swap groups & repeat

  • Only difference was bent over rows and standing raises in lieu of curls/crushers

Return to Green for Mary.  COT.

At COT, we lifted Mary K, who was competing in the American Ninja competition, and Hacker's Mother-in-Law who is facing some serious health issues.