Kettle Bell work at Fallout

Event Date

Apr 11, 2017


If you find yourself Qing several times over a short stretch, the challenge becomes giving the PAX varying workouts.  YHC thought it would be a good idea to try a ruck workout combined with perhaps some kettle bell stuff today at Fallout.  The conversation started yesterday in Slack, with my good friends the Incognititians, and went something like this:

(apologies in advance for making public our private channel conversations!)

Turnpike:  Hi @channel.  Anyone plan on coming to Fallout tomorrow?  And if so, can I borrow your ruck with weight to incorporate into the workout?  Or, may I borrow tonight if I pick up?  Also, kettle bells would be helpful.  Most of the cinder blocks at Fallout are broken, sadly.

Burner:  Not convincing me to go to Fallout with any of that ^

Jenny:  You need to remove "hillwork" and "Ruck" from your sales pitch.

Major Tom:  35 pound bell?

Turnpike:  That would be great!  Bring it tomorrow?

Major Tom:  Ha, not a chance!

Big Mean:  Hey look, a squirrel !

(Everyone else looks at the squirrel, and the conversation is quickly forgotten)

The lesson:  Don't plan a workout the day before?  Don't rely on Slack for serious conversation?  Don't attempt to deliver a different workout?  Not sure…but we tried anyway.  Our good friend Tantrum brough his 35# KB, YHC brought a 35# and 25# ones, and a ruck with some bricks in it.  That proved enough given only 5 in total showed for the workout, which went something like…

0500:  Solo, not very speedy, Run Standard.

0530:  Short mosey around the parking lot including high knees, butt kickers, long striders, Quadraphilia, Side shuffle L/R, and Karaoke L/R.


  • Sideways plank walk a distance of maybe 20 yards along a curb

The Thing:

Grab the stuff from my car.  We worked as a team.  One person would act as a "timer", while the other 4 did exercises.

Set 1:

  • Timer person farmer carries two 35 pound KBs a total distance of about 70 yards.  The others did, to the best of my memory:
  • Burpees x 15 OYO
  • Hand Release Mericans x 20 OYO
  • Slow deep weighted squats
  • Elbow plank
  • Shoulder Press / Triceps extensions

Set 2:

  • Timer person runs around the parking lot.  The others did:
  • Shoulder Press / Curls
  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • Slow deep weighted squats
  • Elbow plank
  • CDDs x 20 OYO

Set 3:

  • Bring all the stuff to the track.  Timer person farmer carried 2 KBs, with ruck on, a distance of about 50 yards.  The others did:
  • Burpees
  • Hand Release Mericans
  • Squats
  • Elbow plank
  • Jump Squats x 25 OYO
  • All ran a lap around the track
  • All did the exercise for 1 minute that they missed because they were the timer person
  • Then we carried all the coupons, Zamporini style, for a lap around the track.  5 PAX and 4 coupons meant we had to keep switching in and out to get this done.
  • Run a lap around the track

Put away the coupons and circle up on the grass for:


  • 1 minute AMRAP of this thing I saw on FaceBook.  Show to know.
  • 1 minute AMRAP of another thing from FaceBook.  It was hard but I can't describe it.
  • LBCs x 25 IC
  • Elbow plank x 1 minute

Recover, recover.  We covered 1.6 miles according to Strava.


  1. Hopefully this workout was hard enough for everyone.  Admittedly, it was made up on the fly.  Really was hoping to get more equipment, but…hey a squirrel !  Impressive work from everyone, aye.
  2. On the other hand, maybe this is proof that we really do need some of the newer PAX to step up and Q more?  I mean, sometimes we're simply out of ideas!
  3. Jenny, the ruck looked good on you.  Don't worry, we won't tell anyone per your request.  Also, yes, my ruck still does have a tag on it.  I swear I've used it though!
  4. Tantrum, thanks for bringing the KB.  We made good use of it.  Maybe you'll see something like this at Titan soon…hmmm.
  5. Elmers has the Q at The Estate on Saturday.  Should be a good time and believe everyone HC'd already, so looking forward to that.
  6. Snake Eyes said one of the FaceBook core exercises was tough, so I'm satisfied with that.  Always good to see you bud.

Have a great week everyone,
