A night at the playground(s)

Event Date

Apr 12, 2017

FNG-1 was Papa Smurf's man-beast of a 2.0, Rhino.  Can you even call them a 2.0 once they're legal drinking age?  This, and other philosophical questions, such as "what does surstromming and vegemite taste like" to be answered next week at Primal Brewery.

But back to the backblast…


  • Lap around DPK, circle up
  • 20 X SSH
  • 20 X IST
  • 20 X Windmill (hurricane style, as the Q was still calling a SSH-paced cadence, Q fail)
  • ~60 seconds LBAC
  • 20 X Cotton-pickers
  • Run to Five-Points park

Thang (on your own):

  • 20 X Hanging Leg Lifts (hanging LBC?)
  • 20 X Jumpies (jump squat)
  • 20 X Decline Merkin
  • Run to Holbrook park
  • 20 X Swing Crunch
  • 20 X Dip
  • 20 X Leg Lifts (on your back, hands under butts, heels six inches above ground, then lift and back down to six inches)
  • Run back to top of DPK parking deck


  • 15 X Box Cutter, hold it, 15 X Cutter Box
  • 15 X Peter Parker, hold it, 15 X Parker Peter
  • 15 X Freddie Mercury, hold it, 15 X Mercury Freddie
  • Plank – no wait, was there some mumble chatter about Strutter doing a 30 burpee per day challenge this month?  How many do you have left today?  20?  Let's knock those out together, solidarity burpee best burpee.  20 X Burpee for the finisher.


  1. 2 miles is lite for Jaws Q at Night Ranger.  You're welcome.  Next time MQ asks me for a day-of Q it's going to be a 5-mile run.
  2. Speaking of 5-mile runs, I hear Turnpike has the Q soon?  Yeah that's gonna be a "no" me dawg, see you all the week after!
  3. Anyone else still hurt from sharknado last week?  Or am I the only one around here who still has soccer arms?
  4. Good to see Rhino, Papa's 2.0, join us!  Can't believe Papa is old enough for a legit drinking-age "child".  On the bright side… designated driver!
  5. Also great to see Dirt join us, not enough of my Latta brethren take me up on the night workout thing.  Beer is best for cool-down, too bad it's frowned upon at 6:16am.
  6. Primal was kinda kid-infested, took me a moment to remember it's spring break so I guess bed times don't apply.  Fortunately our picnic table's stench scared most of them away.  No seriously we cleared out the north end of that parking lot REAL fast.
  7. Freedom, thank you for the privilege to substitute-lead your glorious AO once again.