Frisbee’s Parking Lot Hills…

Warm up:

  • 25 side strattle hops(inc)

  • 10 Cotton Pickers IC

  • 20 mountain climbers (inc)

  • 15 merkins (inc)

  • Follow the Leader—Mosey through Parking lot…sprint to starting point


  • Crawl bear half way up hill

  • Bear crawl rest of way up

  • 15 world war 1 sit ups

  • Mosey down

  • Dragon walk half way

  • Frog jumps rest of way

  • 15 ww1 sit ups

  • Mosey down

  • Quadriffilia up whole hill

  • 15 ww1 sit ups

  • Mosy down

  • Repeto 2 times

  • Follow the Leader..sprint to starting point

One space drill:

  • Each combined exercise will be done in each parking space in order (do ending exercise between the space in-between.

  • Bear crawl/crawl bear (one space)/Monkey Hop in between

  • Mosey Down

  • Dragon walk/inch worm w push up/Monkey Hop in between

  • Mosey Down

  • Lunge Walk/Monkey Hop In between

  • Mosey Down

  • Repeato 2 times

  • Follow the leader around the School with Wall Jump and a stop of 25 OYO Dips..sprint to starting point


  • 10 dr. w’s IC

  • 30 low flutter kicks IC

  • 30 Freddy Mercury IC

  • Mason twist-60 Seconds

Reflection–The reason I chose this verse is because the workout involves a lot of hill work. 

Psalm 72:3  Let the mountains bring peace to the people, And the hills, in righteousness.

Name-or-amma (callout w names)



  • Double check arrived on his dirt bike (in shorts & a jacket)..parked it on dirt island and almost dropped his bike

  • Lots of Mumble Chatter throughout workout with “This is no fun” comments mostly by Closer & Clubber

  • Spork wants to do the same workout when he Qs next but with a Ruck

  • Q cracked fit bit blaze on wall jump

  • Double check popped a wheelie up exit..impressive!