What you missed at Fallout

Event Date

Apr 18, 2017





* Not listed in Pax: Lighthouse YHC prayed for a rain delay. He woke up to dry ground and said a haleluliah. Then checked the twitterverse and saw a man-challenge from TBone for a Standard and said *&^%. 0500 TBone shows, we roll. Bud Henderson hill awaits. 0530 Join with Elmers and Lighthouse and we are off. Warmorama: Run around parking lot with dynamic high knees, butt kickers, carioca left and right. SSHx15ic, Windmillx15ic, Mountain Climberx15ic. The Thang: Rockwork — Grab a big rock. Low curlx7ic, High curlx7ic, Full curlx7ic Skullcrusherx10ic, Overhead pressx10ic, repeato both Burnersx8 Mosey to bus lot — Partner 1 runs a lap while Partner 2 does core/ab exercise. 5 laps = 1 mile, LBCs, Freddy Mercury, Mason Twist, Plank, Low Flutter Mosey to playground — Pull upx10oyo, Dipsx15ic, Merkinx10ic, Squatx15ic Repeato the set Mosey to lower parking lot area — Side line hops 45secs Forward/backward line hops 45secs NKOTB line hops 45secs COT 4-man-moleskin — Welcome Lighthouse. Glad you came out to join us. Glad you left the city and moved up north….even if only about a hundred yards outside the city limit. If you don't come back, we'll blame it on TBone talking too much and going all single-white-female on you. Speaking of TBone. Glad you pushed through this morning. Hope the chest cold goes away quickly. And thanks for the accountability on #TheStandard this morning. Elmers (respect) always a good time working out with you. Thanks for the opportunity to lead you guys this morning. My goal was to be a good steward of the 45 minutes you gave me. I hope your day got off to as good a start as mine did.