What…more pullups

Event Date

Apr 19, 2017

9 Men joined in the gloom this am to get a little stronger.  Here's that story

20 IC ssh
'round the clock merkins
20 IC squats
20 IC mountain climbers

run to small playground

Nicole – 20 minutes – Repeato max pullups and 1/8 mile lap

Little more love – Max pullups with partner assist

Run to start


15 IC american hammer
10 IC freddy mercury
5 IC hallelulah flutter kicks
10 IC Fire Hydrants
10 IC parker peter
10 IC halleluah low dolly
60 seconds american hammer


Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.


I believe we were all little weary after this work out.  However, seems we had plenty in the tank after observing the strength of all of the men, able to do more pullups after a round of Nicole.  Shows that when you think your tank is empty, it's never really empty.  There's always more to give.  Always deeper to go.  Be it from your faith, your perserverance, your determination, or all of the above.  There's always more to give.  

I didn't pick up much of the mumble chatter this am beyond the groans of "what more pullups," but would like to give some kudos.

Tipper – fantastic work on that last round of max pullups  – this is really a shout out to all of the men, but Tipper took the cake this am imho.

C-sharp – way to keep up with the rabbit

Mulligan – we should rename you the standard.

The Pax – nice work on round after round of Nicole.