“Don’t be late for School!“– Tic Tock Pain Clock

If you did not suffer from grass pollen allergies, you might have developed them today.  CMS is probably on a monthly grass cutting cycle. YHC had chosen a clown car favorite “Pain Clock”; however, he failed to plan that the grass lawn on the hill was ridiculously high. When we conducted our exercises, one needed to close your mouth and eyes in order not to get a face full of grass.  In any event, 20 survived the grass pollen.

Mosey to around the parking Lot                                                                                                                          

  • Regular, High-Knees, Butt-Kickers, Karaoke (Left, Right)                                                                                        

Warmorama:  Mosey to hill, Circle-up and Declaimer                                                                                                                                 

  • SSHx20 IC
  • Storm Troopers x 15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 15 IC

The Thang:

1)     Form 2 lines, Indian Run around the school:  Peoples Chair 2 min; Peoples Chair with 15 Air Presses IC; Balls to the Wall "until BigRock said enough already"

2)     Painclock: 1 Carolina dry dock (OYO); Bear crawl half way up the hill; Face the 1 o'clock position – 1 Merkin in cadence; Bear crawl the rest of the way to the top; 1 Burpee (OYO); Mosey down the hill; Repeato increasing the reps by 1 each time

3)     Form 2 lines, Indian Run to the playground for a mini-modified Murph (2 rounds):

  • Pull-ups x 10 OYO
  • Shoulder Tap Mericans x 10 IC
  • (Somewhat) Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC
  • Repeato with Diamond Mericans and Regular Squats

Mosey home to Mary:

  • WWII Sit Ups x 20 IC
  • Low Flutters x 20 IC
  • W x 10 IC
  • Plank 1 minute


  • Hats off to the Standard crew (3) Jimmy O, Blackberry, and Red October
  • Mumble chatter was light, or maybe it was that the YHC just was not listening, or Pax was suffering from grass pollen induced allergies
  • Comments made that the Pain Clock hill needed to be mowed and was poor choice for a workout
  • Geek called out the Q for losing his own Burpee count on #10
  • Indian runs were a bit disorganized, unfortunately directional instruction was inside the YHC head causing confusion
  • Thank you Mr. Burns for the opportunity to lead today. I am sorry you had to miss being on IR, but hopefully we will see you soon. Mighty Oak is a great AO with lots of opportunities. I look to frequent on a regular basis.

Announcements: Check the F3 Lake Norman website

  • Community in Christ Lutheran Church (click Church link for details) BBQ pre-order 5/6 – Dry Rub the “Master BB Q”
  • 2017 Silver Bullet Softball Showcase 5/7 @ 1pm
  • Daddy Daughter Date Night 5/19
  • 1st Ever F3 Home Expo 5/20 – Bring your Business
  • F3 Dad’s camp 8/18