Dog days of Spring?

Event Date

Apr 29, 2017


4 PAX ignored the soupy humid hot air and came out to share a little LOT of sweat. Skipper was at the helm.

Warm Up:

10 IC Front Lunges

10 IC Tony Hawks

10 IC Toy Soldiers

Football Drill

Da' Tang:

Indian Run to Clubhouse (Last man drops and gives us 3 merkins and sprints to the front)

Parking Lot Fun – Partner Mirrors – Perform exercise from opposite sides of the parking lot until you reach you partner, then reverse the exercise and return to your starting point:

Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear

Crab Walk/Walk Crab

Inchworm/Worm Inch

Mosey to bottom of the parking lot

4 Rounds of:  

10 Merkins sprint to top of parking lot hill; 10 Merkins; sprint backward to start (= 1 round) 

Mosey around the docks to Tennis Court Hill:

1 PAX is running around the clubhouse at all times while the others do this with a rock their momma would be proud of:

Rock Groiner Thrusts to the top of tennis hill, mosey down, 10 Merkins on the rock (Continue until all have ran the clubhouse loop)

10 IC Rock Curls

Mosey back to the front parking lot

Perform 5 Merkins, sprint to the top of parking lot hill; 5 Merkins; sprint backward to start (= 1 round) 4 Total Rounds performed

Indian Run back to Front Play Yard:

2-minutes of No-Handed Get-Ups

Mosey to AO



10 IC Heels-2-Heaven

10 IC Box Cutters

:45 Hold Sally (Hold in down Sally position)

:45 Mason Twist


1 Corinthians 10:13: No Temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.  God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with temptation he will also provide you the way of escape, that your may be able to endure it.  Key word in that for me was "common".  Our temptations and challenges are not usually unique to us.  Each of us struggle with them at some point in our lives.  Illness, disease, death, loss of job, etc.  We are lucky that with F3, we can turn to our brothers for support because someone has gone through a similar time in their life.  Be open to that.  Lend an ear, listen to a brother, support each other.  God is going to continue to challenge us, but he's put F3 in our lives to overcome them.


 – So this dog joins us midway through, tough mut.  He basically does the entire workout with us, than runs with us from the clubhouse back to the AO.  Mustang spy?

 – Vortex exclaims, "That's 80 Merkins" on the parking lot fun.  Yep.  Felt everyone.

 – Good to see Goodwrench back in action.  Get some sleep bro.

 – Holy Hot and Humid weather.  Felt like we were running in soup.

 – Honor to lead and be led by you brothers!