May Day

Warm Up:

20 SSH
Right over Left
Left over Right
10 Cotton pickers
Mosey around the parking lot

The Thang:

Mosey to tennis  courts
Line up at the end facing down all four courts
1- round mosey to the end and back
2-  mosey backwards down and back
3-  sprint down and back
4-  karaoke right down left back
5-  suicide using the far base line of each court 
6- suicide with a burpee at each line

Mosey around far side of the track to bleachers
Box jump each step to the top
10 calf raises at the top
1 burpee on each step down
10 dips on the bottom step

Mosey to short hill next to bleachers
Mosey to the bottom and touch the fence then sprint up getting faster with each lap x 6
Mosey to the bottom and run up the hill, at the top to 10 lbc x 6
Mosey to launch pad

Marry go Round:

each one x 10
flutter kicks
dr. w
jane fonda
reverse crunch
low plank to high plank
freddy mercury
dying cockroach
low dolly
peter parker


1 Corinthians 12:18-20  But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each  one of them , as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.