First welcome : Steve, Lester, Tom , Yosemite (F3 Nickname). 


Now to the workout

Multiple Pax ran the standard- Sound off if you want credit


Mosey to the Pull up bars


20 IC Mountain Climbers

15 IC Soybean farmers

10 IC Mericans

The Thang:

Partner up.

3 options:  Large loop, middle loop , short loop

If you run the large loop you do the following

2 Pullups

5 Burpees 

10 Mericans

20 Squats

25 LBCs

Middle loop

4 Pullups

10 Burpees

20 Mericans

40 Squats

50 LBCs

Small loop

6 Pullups

15 Burpees

30 Mericans

60 Squats

75 LBCs

Only Rule:  Dont run same loop back to back.  

5:55am – Audible and pick up the 6

Bear Crawl back to the pull up bars

Grab a cinder block

Partner 1 – AMRAP curls, Partner 2- Run small loop

Flip Flop

Round 2 – AMRAP Shoulder Presses

Flip Flop

Round 3 – AMRAP Skull Crushers- Pax complained so we decided to do Mary



– Dying Cockroach – Silverbullet

– 25 IC Flutter Kicks

Hold it

-15 IC Low Dolly

30 Second plank

Recover Recover


– Workout was filled with FNGs and Mumblechatter.  Chatter was strong (mainly Minime), and YHC did get a little off his Q game.—– even though it was a WIB

-Welcome Lester, Steve, Tom, and Yosimite (F3 Nickname).  Lester and Tom will be at MO for a naming, and Steve will be back out on Monday.  

-Great to see some new faces and old faces back out in the gloom

-Jock Strap I miss your quick remarks…hope to see you more in the gloom

-Amen…you are dissappearing man. Keep up the strong work

-Softball Sunday 1pm NMP

-FiA-F3 Date night May 13th. Hit up Nitestick for some info.

I am blessed to have F3 in my life.  I could not imagine where I would be without the accountability, friendship, and motivation of each individual that steps out into the gloom.  It has given me passion to better myself, self confidence, and friendships that I cannot even place a measure on.  When I first started F3 my focus was strictly on the 1st F.  Not unitl all 3F's began to equal out did I realize the impact each one the F's has on me, my family, and others.  As my journey within F3 and life continues to play out, I find the my passion has moved towards the 3rd F.  I highly encourge Pax to check out Berean, Emmaus, or any other option that offers all 3 F's.  I am blessed to have F3, I am grateful for Ramrod taking me to GCC one Saturday morning, and willing to grow F3 as it has grown me. 

