Ft. Mill Tough Welcome Party meets Thunderdome

Event Date

May 01, 2017

Grateful to share some of the pain endured at the Ft. Mill Custom Tough this past weekend. We made it through 3 of 4 cards. 

3 for 3.5mile standard: Jedi, TBC, and DonHo 

Cotton Pickers

Ran around the field from 6 o'clock to 12 o'clock. 
30 Merkins (IC)
30 Squats (IC)
30 Mtn Climbers (IC)
30 Burpees

Ran around the field from 12 o'clock back to 3 o'clock. 
30 LBC (IC)
30 Monkey Humpers (IC) 
30 Sit-ups (IC) 
30 Burpees

Ran around the field back to 6 o'clock. 
30 CDD (IC) 
30 Get Ups (single ct.) 
30 Plank Jacks (IC)
30 Burpees

Balance: Finished with some balance moves: Warrior 3 on each leg and tree on each leg. 

1) Thanks Jedi and TBC for coming out. Always a joy to be with you guys. 

2) I was still pretty sore from the tough and it wasn't pretty, but glad I got out of bed to lead and join you fellas. 
