No complaining as the Warriors braved the Foundry

It being Cinco De Mayo and all i guess i should have done some creative work in 5's, but it didn't happen and i just am not that creative and so it began…





Mountain climbers

Run a 1/2 lap

Grab a rock

Upgraded suicides from back of parking lot

10 squat to press with rock

5 hand release burpees

Run to first island

Do 1 burpee

Run back

Increase by 1 Rep each time back and increase by one at other end of run so 2 burpees next island.

Total: 66 burpees

Total: 75 Squat to press with Rock

Line up end of lot


Bear crawl for twenty paces

Lunge walk twenty paces

Alternate till we get to the cars

Sprint around and repeat

5 pull ups

20 merkins first and 3rd round, 12 Plank Jack Merkins 2nd and 4th round

5 pull ups

Run around second island

Repeat 4 rounds.  

Run for Coverered porch – already soaking wet, so not sure why


  • Some Great complaining today about everything we did…I asked, "do i complain like this during your workouts?" and DonHo QUICKLY said…"yes you do!".  Oh well, i deserve it then
  • I'm not DJ, but i should know that Poison is not KISS, got made fun of a lot for that one, so therefore had to let the PAX know that the set was a Poison covering all the great hits we listened too today.  QBert would not have liked any of it
  • The rain stayed away for a while, but came on strong last 15-20 minutes, which made it fun really, but Baxter is still wet!
  • Thanks DonHo for the opportunity to lead
  • Thanks to all in F3 that keep me motivated everyday
  • Prayers for Olaf and his family and please keep Olive and his family in your thoughts and prayers

See you monday,
