Swinging in the Rain

Event Date

May 05, 2017

Six Pax emerged from their fartsacks, some wearing ruck sacks, to enjoy the warm swinging breezes with a little drizzle. Here is what they did:


Jog/High Knees/Butt Kickers/Lay Ups/ Inch Worms/Sampson Stretches and the rain started, shift to under the awning to continue with Kosac Stretches/ Hammie Stretches/Child's Pose/ Cobra

The Thang:

War Daddy Superset: Bowser (FNG-1) had the greatest number of rotations around the sun at 46 so the pax had to perform as many merkins as possible and then the same number of KBS until they worked their way up to 46. Performed farmer's carry while waiting on the 6

10 IC RKBS Forward Hop

10 IC RKBS Lateral Hop

Repeato Forward and loteral hops

10 IC Suitcase Swing Each Arm

10 IC Alternating Swing

10 IC Liberty Bell Swings (Bend over, swing bell with right hand up to the right, then down, pass it to the left hand and swing it up to the left – repeato)

10 IC Side Winders

10 IC Chest Presses

10 IC Curls for gurls

5 IC Chest Presses

5 IC Curls for gurls



The last lines of the Scout Oath are a pledge to keep one'self Physically Strong, Mentally Awake, and Morally Straight. F3 helps with Physically strong, tries its best with Morrally Straight, and encourages us to become Mentally Awake. As men and leaders in our communities and in our homes we should be sure that our 2.0s are able to see us exemplifying all three of these areas. How can we encourage the same for our 2.0's? In a world full of entertainment and noise, how can we help our 2.0s to seek greater learning, the classics of lieterature and art, and how are we persuing these also? 

Mole Skin:

  • Fngs were Bowser, Squirrel, and Nehi. Bowser hasn't set up his account and Squirrel and Nehi are a couple of my 2.0s. (4.0 and 6.0)
  • Mumble Chatter started earl this morning – in the car on the way to the AO Nehi asked me – Dad, are you any better at kettle bells and pushups and situps and weight lifting than you are at running?
    • He's still alive.
  • TClaps for Hefty and Spork – worked out with their rucksacks today!
  • Bowser dropped his 4 pounds to get to his goal – Crazy TClaps for him!!!


Twas a pleassure men!