Up and Down the Aisles at Vanquisher

Event Date

May 08, 2017

COP: Short Mosey, Windmills, Cotton Pickers, SACs, no SSHs

The Thang:  40 Air Squats, backpedal to east end of parking lot, 40 Carolina Dry Docks, mosey back to start, Repeato 30 reps each, Repeato 20 reps each, Repeato 10 reps each.

80 yrd Lunge Walk and Broad Jump Burpees

Repeato 40, 30, 20, & 10 reps with Homer2Marge and Hand Release Mericans

80 yrd Bear Crawl and Partner Resistance Backpedal

Mary: 3 Minutes of Normal Mary Thangs

COT:  Grateful for the push this AM.  Prayers of healing for those that are grieving and hurting.

There was a brief moment where I wondered where the PAX were, Die Hard was first with a minutes to spare, Ultra picked up 6 miles ahead of time, and Omar came rolling in on two wheels.  A great time was had by all.