Hollywood felt an awful lot like MadSci today…

Great job today by all today at Hollywood. It's great to see such a consistantly big crowd. Hollywood is not YHC's normal Wednesday posting, but everyone needs to get out of their comfort zone. YHC struggles with that, so a little Mad Scientist flair was brought to Birkdale. 


Warm up:

SSH x20 IC, warmup over!


The Thang:

Mosey to parking deck 1

Burpee merican sandwich 5-10-5

Sprint up ramp

Mini burpee sandwich

Bear crawl down


Parking Deck 2

Squat flutter kick sandwich 10-20-10

Sprint up ramp

Squat flutter sandwich

Lunge Walk down


Parking Deck 3

Merican Makhtar n'diaye sandwich 10-20-10

Sprint up ramp

Merican Makhtar n'diaye sandwich

Crawl bear down


Parking Deck 4

Squat Calf raise sandwich 20-40-20

Sprint up ramp

Squat Calf raise sandwich

Lunch walk down


Mosey to theater

Peoples chair, partner runs a lap around the theater. If you were in my heat, you got seal claps and air presses as well.



Deep side walk flutter kicks x20 IC

Shoulder touch Mericans x10 IC


Mosey to the traffic cirlcle

Partner A AMRAP burpees, partner B sprint around the circle

Flapjack, repeato x2

Max effort to the fountain for Mary

Recover, Recover


Thanks Holiday for the chance to Q. Hollywood brings a big crowd, many of whom I don’t normally get to workout with. I go to Birkdale a lot, but still have a lot to learn about it as an AO. There wasn't too much chatter this morning, Outlaw did make it known though that he is allergic to burpees. Soprano's 2.0s killed it this morning. We did a good bit of running this morning, hopefully it wasn't too easy, I had to save my upper body so I can make Ramrod cry tomorrow at Sampson. YHC has seen the dreaded Camp Gladiator banner fly in Birkdale recently, Hollywood what is your secret for keeping them away? We could use it at MadSci.