Continuing My Ventures Outside TPR

And, Cherry Bomb, who's not registered.

Lately I've started slipping out of TPR to post at other workouts. I usually do it on a Sat. and then get back before anyone realizes I'm gone. However, the past three Saturdays, I posted at Birkdale, BRP, and this past Sat. I took it a step further when I Q'd Excelsior then stuck around for The Estate. I did head back to TPR for coffeteria, I think subconciously to let them know I am slowly defecting to the Dark Side!

The Coyote is next Sat. so I will stick around but plan to run with all the "outsiders" that are as slow as me. Which may just cement the revoking of my TPR Passport.

The Thang:

No warmup, slow mosey to the parking lot in front of Bradley Middle School, circle up and get on your six for a round of Ab-O-Rama because a strong core = a strong runner. All exercises were in candence x 10, Low Flutter, Windshield Wiper, Low Plank Arm Raises, High Plank – Punch your little brother, LBC's, Heels to Heaven, Mason Twists (I skipped the J-Lo's because we did a nice job tearing up our elbows on the Low Plank). Off to the rock down Jim Kidd Rd. The fast guys circled back to pick up us slower guys…keeping an eye out for the six. I told everyone to circle up but was quickly informed by Snake Eyes, tradition states you touch the rock not just run close to it. After everyone touched the rock, we circled up for Ab-O-Rama Round 2, all the same exercise again, all in cadence. Once they were completed and everyone was on their feet, I called out one of my favorite exercises, THE Burpee. Then we started our run back to Bradley MIddle School. I was hoping to do one more round of Ab-O-Rama but my watch said otherwise so we ran back to the start.

Recover. Recover.


  • Tantrum and Wingman ran the River Rat, TClaps
  • We started with 11 guys but as we approached Beatties Ford Rd, Fenway came flying into a parking spot, threw his car into park and joined us.
  • TClaps to Swing State for coming out to Excelsior. He usually posts in TPR on Sat. but I let him know about my Q and he showed up to make sure I eventually made it back to TPR, safely.
  • Always a pleasure to post with Jedi. Is there anyone else in F3LKN that makes you want to push yourself a little harder like Jedi does? Plus, his prayer at the end of a workout…my favorite.
  • Snake Eyes, from now on every time I run down Jim Kidd Rd. I will be sure to touch the rock!
  • Toxic and Tantrum provided the mumble chatter. I'm glad my routine was simple that morning otherwise, they would've gotten the best of me.
  • River Boat always a pleasure to run with you, especially because you manage to kick it in at the end, forcing me to dig deep. See you at OTB soon.
  • The only time I saw Blackberry was when we circled up, other than that he was out in front with the thoroughbreds
  • Turnpike, thank you for aking me to Q. I look forward to the opporunity to do it again.
  • I say it almost every time I write a backblast, it is a honor to lead such a fine group of mine. My humble thanks for letting me do so.

