Girls, Girls, Girls

14 plus 1 K-9 (Lambeau) posted to give 3 girls a 'run' for their money.  "FNG's" are actually SchoolBus's 2.4 Squirrel and 2.6 Nehi.

Today we did Sally, Nicole, and Mary…but there's just something about Mary that makes us feel like we can do abs in 6 minutes.  If you missed today, you missed a lot of fun.  The backblast looks short, but it wasn't short of delivering 14 guys a good moist beatdown.  Some extra moisture provided by one K-9 that also looked something like this…


Sally Up – 'Mericans

Ye old thang
Mosey over to CSES, stopping at the park benches  for 20 IC Dips, Continue to the playground.

20 minutes of Nicole.  Since this track is 0.15 miles do 10 pull-ups and run 2 laps.  AMRAP for 20 minutes!
I think everyone got in 50-60, maybe 70 pull-ups and 2.5 to 3 miles of running.

Mosey back towards the launch pad, stopping at the benches for another 20 IC Dips

Mary Go Round to celebrate the first Mary-go-round seen at a fair in 1620 on this day in history…
DoubleCheck – FM
SchoolBus – WWII
Julius – Low Dolly
Bertha – Box Cutters
Tipper – LBC
Crayola – WWII
…and time…

On this day in History, May 17th 1536 Queen Anne executed 4 lovers
Hopefully you treat your M like a queen, just not this queen.

Luke 24:49 I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” This is after the resurrection when Jesus appears to his disciples.  What his Father promised is the Holy Spirit which was a great power.  He is telling the disciples that they are to spread the word, but they are to wait until they receive the Holy Spirit, which provided the driving force for spreading Christianity. The Holy Spirit descended 10 days later and this is when the disciples entered Jerusalem and began to fulfil their duties.


  • That's right. Lambeau provided all of today's entertainment.  And SchoolBus, we aren't laughing at you, we're laughing because of you this AM.  Not only did Lambeau slob your tiny bald spot, but he also managed to tea bag you during Mary.
  • He also managed to get a little "overspray" on some nearby water bottles
  • Today's workout was an introverts dream workout.  Very little cadence called today

Also to record the names of the PAX present today Spork suggested calling my voicemail.  Here is how good Microsoft Speech Technology interpreted our soundoff…

Back for.

This — week and — II did see right now — Jason will but wanted to see if he had a all we want to problem — Justin this is 41 only — very very 10:44 at box cutters — off you need tipper we RE everything — hello working in a with you — my before 3016 I'm getting a chance — moment 21 nothing — about sporty king wood — that need to get — in around bye now — Hyland — my name is Eddie you — any partner 37.

Or why he didn't give you that way.