The Trails of SVU

Event Date

May 20, 2017


Only 3 made it past the mighty grips of the Saturday fartsak to come see what Skipper had in store….

Warm Up:


10 IC Merkins

10 IC Copperhead Squats

10 IC Toy Soldiers

Arm Circles

Da' Tang:  Mosey to back playground

Split up in half (Which was easy w/ 3 SMH)

Each round will consist of half the PAX doing the Sailview Trail Loop, and the other half alternating 2 exercises.  Max-out on the first exercise, then do the secondary exercise for a brief moment to get strength back to max-out again.  Good mix of upper and lower body.  Trail runners are the timer.  Trail is about a .20 mile loop I think, with a steep downhill and uphill included for free.

Round 1:

Trail Loop

Max Pull-Ups/Block Squats

Round 2:

Trail Loop

Max Dips on Parallel Bars/Monkey Humpers

Round 3:

Trail Loop

30 Block Curls/Front Lunges

Round 4:

Trail Loop

Max SkullCrushers/Back Lunges

Round 5:

Trail Loop

Max Block Shoulder Press/Apollo OH NOs

Round 5:

Trail Loop

Block Twists/Derkins

Round 6:

Trail Loop

Bent Block Rows/Vertical Squat Jump Repeats

Round 7:

Trail Loop

Australian Rows/Skipper Hops

I can't remember the rest, but you get the point.  Think we did about 8 rounds until Vortex started swinging at me.  No time for Mary.  Whooped.


Casting Crowns "Slow Fade" Main Lyrics:

It's a slow fade when you give yourself away.  It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray.  Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid.  When you give yourself away.  People never crumble in a day.  It's a slow fade.  I've done this one before.  I used to hear this song all the time.  And it served as a good reminder.  It came on again for the first time in awhile, and it has always been a good reminder to me that we chip-away at what we know is right every day.  We are not hardened criminals by any means, but we all give in to the devil's intentions and we all justify it whenever we do so.  But if you let it go too long, it becomes the new norm.  Slip up once, fine. Slip up 3 times, right the ship before its too late.  This can apply to our family, spiritual, or work lives.  It can even apply to our diet!  What we listen to, what we say, who we judge, etc. etc.  


 – Really?  3 PAX?  Come on folks.  Its not cold anymore and that speedo ain't gonna look too good otherwise.

 – Cheetah gets some asphalt time on the bike before, Vortex gets some running in prior-to.  Me, guess I'm just lazy.

 – So I was expecting a few more than 3.  I only drew-up Rounds 1-5, so the rest I made up as I went.  Hope you didn't notice.

 – That trail loop is UNDERUTILIZED.  It's a subtle beast either way you go.  One way kills your quads with a severe downhill followed by a curvy long uphill slog while the other gives you a slow quad killer on the way down and a severe uphill smack in the face on the way up.  I asked Cheetah which one he thought was harder and he said, well, they both suck."

 – Great to hear that the Mud Run team crushed it and represented well.  

 – As always, a pleasure to lead and be led by you guys.