9 Blenderites Blended some Tabatas and Burpees



SSH (maybe or maybe not on the burpees)

3 burpees

Mountain climbers

3 burpees

Carrot pullers

3 burpees


3 burpees


The Thang 

10 KB Swings

5 burpees

10 Mountain climbers IC

run a lap

15 KB Swings

10 burpees

15 Mountain climbers IC

Run a lap

20 KB Swings

15 burpees

20 Mountain climbers IC

Run a lap

25 KB Swing

20 burpees

25 Mountain climbers IC


Take a lap


Tabata Time:


20 seconds on; 10 second rest – 8 minutes


First exercise

Squat to press and alternating lunges – switch every other 20 second

Run a lap 

Second exercise

Low flutter with KB  Press for full 8 minutes of Tabata

Run a lap 

3rd exercise

Curls and Upright row – alternate every 20 seonds

Run a lap 

4th exercise

Merkins and Skull Crushers alternating each 20 seconds

Run a lap 

  • Great work men
  • The Bear on 6/3, meet at GCC, should be a great event!
  • Not a lot of chatter, i couldn't talk either

Thanks for coming and supporting the great Blender workout, with KB's, this one always hurts.  Thanks for the push men