“Why Not Q” tour stop #3 – New Millenium Club Members…

Stop #3 on the Why Not Q tour rolled into Hollywood with a slight whimper.  YHC was feeling a little fatigued this morning after a couple hundred Burpees over the first two tour stops, so had to ditch the standard run for some extra nap time.  I was rewarded though with a special guest appearance from Special Sauce – and of course BagBoy – who randomly decided to come to Hollywood after several years.  As is typical in the AO, most of the PAX rolled in just under the wire and in time to start the beat down.

Like any great rock band on tour, you try not to play the same exact set list twice – so in keeping with this tradition, I decided to change it up a little – but since Outlaw did not show, Burpees were still on the menu – to the grumbling of the PAX.  YHC decided to pull out the 1,000 rep workout, which I guess could be classified as a WIB.  Below is an account of the damage inflicted…


Mosey around the movie theater, circle up for standard F3 warm-up (all IC)

SSH x 25

IST x 15

Front and Back Arm Circles – A lot and a Little

Windmill x 10

Seal Claps x 20

Carrot Pullers x 10

Mosey to foutain


Changing the set list to keep it fresh…Partner up, size does not matter, but speed might! Time for 1,000 shared reps

Squats x 400

Mericans x 300

Flutter Kicks x 200

Burpees x 100

Partner 1 starts said exercise, partner 2 runs a lap around the short parking lot – then flip flop.  Running (cumulative) count for each exercise – when all exercises and designated reps are complete front lean and rest or as BagBoy did, run through some more ab work.

On to some mary…


Low Flutter

Touch them Heels


Recover, Recover (Yeah!)


  • Thanks Holiday for letting me lead the PAX again at this fine AO – always a pleasure and guaranteed larger group.  I think that a bigger group is better
  • Admittedly, YHC was tired this morning – this Q tour sounded like a good idea in my head last month, but since I am old, it is making me a bit tired – so thanks to all the PAX for the silent push this morning
  • Rain held off this morning – good thing as yesterday YHC and the PAX were soaked
  • Strong work out of all the PAX this morning, I believe everyone completed the 1,000 in time for a little Mary
  • Glad to see the mumblechatter was muted today – must have been the constant exercise – however, there were repeated questions as to how many reps for each exercise – I guess this was an attempt by the PAX to get YHC to realize it might be too many.  Ignorance is bliss in this case as I care about everyones's fitness and did not want to cheat anyone on the workout
  • Finally, since Outlaw endured the 100 burpees fest yesterday at PAINisula, and did not show today, the PAX got burpees – which I really do not like, but find that it is a perfect exerise to keep the heart rate up!

Next stop for the "Why Not Q" tour will be Wilderness – I may have something special and different planned.  You will just have to Show 2 Know if you dare
